Depends on your definition of a nice pool, some like wiggly ones with water falls and dolphins, other like it shaded some like it kids free etc.
The old Grange residence, good pool size to number of unit ratio, and has a nice separate kids pool, always sunny and not over looked by and neighbouring buildings.
The current place, the pool is horrible, overlooked on all side by tower blocks which makes it always dark and cold. Its small compared to the number of units in the the
condo, it also has these annoying fountain features within the pool that makes the water murky. Not to mention some knobheads chucking coke cans in the pool form the flats above.
The Loft condo also has a nice pool, small but nicely designed.
Best bet it to try and find out the total sq footage of all the units, then find out the sq footage of the pool, from that you can figure out how crowded it will get.