On my 2nd year as a PR, my company deducted 5% CPF from my salary. I thought it was okay since my first year is only 5%. after 10 months, I heard from a cousin that my contribution should be 15%. I notified our HR and they did some calculations. they told me I need to pay $2000 for the 10 months (equivalent to the 10% unpaid for 10 months). They asked me to choose if i will pay the full amount or they will arrange a loan and then I'll pay it on a monthly basis. I am already on my 3rd year and paying 20% plus the 10% is very heavy for what i am earning. Should the company bear the amount because they overlooked my contribution or is it a shared ignorance and i should just accept the monthly 30% deduction? Do i have the right to complain? Please advise. thanks.