[rant]Am I idealistic? Yes. I like to continue to think that there are other people out there, like me, who do things for personal satisfaction and the desire to make other people's lives more comfortable. Wish there were more of us, but we seem to be a dying breed. Now must pay money to get people to do charitable works (or give ECA points).
You sort of summed up the reasons why a lot of people join PA, and a lot are not convinced that you have no ulterior motive ..
The places I volunteer I too get the same kind of attacks, when I clearly say that my volunteering for Non-profit organisation is just for that, for my own happiness, and not for any gains, first there is a look of disbelief, then a cynical look and then a comment 'well, we know you are not here to really help people .. tell us the real reason ...'
Sadly, yes, even a lot of new citizens are aggressively involved in PA, and other volunteer programs (to the extent that a lot of Singaporeans step out of the fight - and they are right to do so, in my opinion .. ) to the extent of driving others mad with loud comments when another volunteer can't make time or deliver .. .. and it is funny that the same new citizens never ever lifted even a finger to feed a street child back home, or even bother to vote, or even take part in any community program, and in Singapore, they are totally opposite
Well, to be honest, I admire your patience: in Singapore, most volunteer work becomes serious to the extent that you regret even stepping in- punishments, fines, complaints, loud and embarrassing comments are the norm.
Hence, I too join the ranks of those who question the motive of anybody who joins PA ..
(that was a tongue in cheek comment .. )