No, they've redrawn all the electoral boundaries again, and showered the people with their own tax money a week or two before the election, so, there will be no upsets.revhappy wrote:Was the last election won by just 66%??? I was under the impression that they had a much higher lead. What do guys think will happen during this election? Is there even a remote chance of an upset? I have a significant exposure to SGD and considering hedging it. I would imagine an election upset will make the currency crash
The spin in the local press on the Govt giving people back their own tax money is laughable.JR8 wrote:No, they've redrawn all the electoral boundaries again, and showered the people with their own tax money a week or two before the election, so, there will be no upsets.revhappy wrote:Was the last election won by just 66%??? I was under the impression that they had a much higher lead. What do guys think will happen during this election? Is there even a remote chance of an upset? I have a significant exposure to SGD and considering hedging it. I would imagine an election upset will make the currency crash
In fact I'd vouch that so few opposition MPs get elected that the PAP will have to put in place tame NMPs as a fig-leaf to democracy.... as per usual
I don't get to see the local media right now, so it is interesting to hear an opinion on it.Barnsley wrote: The spin in the local press on the Govt giving people back their own tax money is laughable.
I think one or two GRC have a chance of falling, it is quite interesting reading and watching whats going on.
I have been very suprised by the negativity coming from Govt, with the dominant position they have I figured they would be more positive on what they are doing.
purpled wrote:so much hatred in that video. these people have not yet experienced the worst in their country, they complain a lot saying that the government has stopped serving them. they need to go out and start living in other asian countries and try to change their definition of ''change'' or ''broken promises''
sundaymorningstaple wrote:This coming saturday will be interesting. The Hot Seat this election will the be same hot seat as the last election. Aljunied GRC. PAP only won it by a whisker in the last election (the Workers Party mananged to gather in 44 or 46% of the vote in that GRC). It's being contested again, but this time, the leader of the WP Low TK will be also contesting in that GRC. He's held the opposition ward next to the GRC since 1991 so is rather well liked there. If he comes over to aljunied, it could well cause an upset and the youth here are up to their eyeballs in rhetoric. It reminds me of the numbskulls that prostrated themselves in from of Obama during the elections 2.5 years ago. The young & educated who are clueless and looking for ideals without knowing the history or having walked any sort of distance in their shoes. Frankly, I worry about aljunied as I live there. I'm going to watch my property valuation take a tumble if the ruling party gets ousted here. A good example is the difference in similar HDB housing in both constituencies, with many more sales in Hougang (almost 2 to 1 and 10-16% lower sales prices). CRAP!
As there are a lot of new voters and lots of constituencies that haven't been contested in donkeys years, we don't have a clue what's going to actually happen. PAP could find themselves severely hampered and in theory, they could, by fluke, lose the mandate here. The anger against the PAP is palpable on the ground here. So much so that the PAP is falling all over itself apologizing for this, than & the other. Gonna be a hot time in the ole town Saturday night for sure.
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