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Park West - Clementi

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Park West - Clementi

Post by bentobox » Fri, 22 Apr 2011 4:24 pm

Hi all,

My husband and I are moving to Singapore next month, and we are seriously considering a 3-bedroom condo at Park West in Clementi. We are a young Indian couple moving from the US, and we like parks, pubs and eating out. Lifestyle is important to us, but proximity/accessibility to work is the topmost priority. My work is in Science Park and bus route 183 seems convenient for me; my husband's work is on Robinson Road, so he could take the MRT (green line). My questions are:

1. Could any past/current residents please comment on their experience at Park West?
2. Are there better condos out there close to both 183 bus route and the MRT?
3. Is there a lot of construction still going on in this area, and is there a lot of pollution/noise?
4. Whats the local scene like in Clementi?

Thanks in advance!

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Post by ScoobyDoes » Mon, 25 Apr 2011 10:20 am

Can only answer points 3 & 4......

You'll have to be careful on the unit you look at because you'll have both an expressway and a construction site for a new condo (Hundred Trees) just on the other side of it both of which will likely go non-stop. Regent Park condo is just next door and uses Park West as a buffer from the noise ;) Both, though, are priced quite similarly regardless of the fact Park West is much older.

On the plus you are close to the new Clementi Mall and old Hong Leong Shopping Centre and are served with very good facilities. It's is definitely a local area more than say, Bukit Timah or East Coast but that's no a bad thing provided you are happy at home.
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Post by JayCee » Mon, 25 Apr 2011 12:45 pm

You won't really have any pubs in Clementi, it's very local so plenty of food courts but I assume that's not what you mean by 'eating out'. The new mall is just stacked full of the usual fast food rubbish.

I'd recommend you take a look at Dover Parkview and Heritage view condos, they're closer to the science park (by this I assume you mean science park 2 close to the hospital? Buses from buona vista road go down that way), closer to your husband's commute to CBD (10 mins walk to Buona vista MRT), and closer to restaurants and bars such as the Rochester park and Holland village areas.

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