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Post by JIJO_VN » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 5:25 pm

Hi All,
I am new to this group. I need your valuable suggestions.
I got an offer of 7500 SGD monthly flat salary.
I have 2 kids 5+ & 7+ age.
Is this alary is enough for myself and family including accommodation, schooling(Indian school such as DPS) etc....

Please reply your suggestions as quick as possible so that I can make final decision.

Thanks & Regards

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Post by JIJO_VN » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 5:30 pm

To add one more point : The salary is net before tax deduction.

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Post by BillyB » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 5:56 pm

JIJO_VN wrote:Hi All,
I am new to this group. I need your valuable suggestions.
I got an offer of 7500 SGD monthly flat salary.
I have 2 kids 5+ & 7+ age.
Is this alary is enough for myself and family including accommodation, schooling(Indian school such as DPS) etc....

Please reply your suggestions as quick as possible so that I can make final decision.

Thanks & Regards
I think you are getting paid at least 1000% more than your level of competence deserves.

There are so many resources within this site and on the internet, and your situation is unique to you and your family; So how on earth can we help you when you haven't even done 1 bit of research or at least wrote more than a few sentences and then proceed to ask people to reply as quick as possible. is a good starting point

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Post by Mad Scientist » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 6:01 pm

JIJO_VN wrote: Please reply your suggestions as quick as possible so that I can make final decision.

Thanks & Regards
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The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.Yahoo !!!

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Post by JIJO_VN » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 8:55 pm

BillyB wrote:I think you are getting paid at least 1000% more than your level of competence deserves.

There are so many resources within this site and on the internet, and your situation is unique to you and your family; So how on earth can we help you when you haven't even done 1 bit of research or at least wrote more than a few sentences and then proceed to ask people to reply as quick as possible. is a good starting point
Hi Bill,
Thanks for your reply and happy to know that you managed to estimate my competence.

Just to share with you, I got this offer today and I am doing the research(Thanks for the idea) now. I have already mentioned in my message that I am new to this group. As long term member of this group, you people can easily estimate whether the offered salary is enough for a family or not. Again this is only for a rough estimate and I am very much aware that this depends upon each individual.

I posted the same message in another forum and I got atleast 7 messages(not like yours) and now I feel that I do not need further research as most of them replied that 17500 SGD per months is more than enough for me and family. Few replies include detailed information about expenses and schooling.

Bill.......your reply reflects your attitude-it is not your fault.
Anyway... thanks, Good Luck & God Bless You.

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Post by Nath21 » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:08 pm

I guess you are not coming to Singapore then seeing you are going to only earn 7500 a month and your extensive research shows only 17500 a month is comfortable. Research done apply for your online PhD now.

But seriously dont get upset when you ask a vague question with vague information. Even your own key data varies in your post.
Last edited by Nath21 on Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by JIJO_VN » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:13 pm

sorry... typo error.. offered salary is 17500... not 7500.

Nath, I am not upset.... I admit that my data was wrong....Was in a hurry to send the message. Even if the data was wrong, I was little bit suprised(not worried...) with Bill's reply. Is this the way we give some information to a new person ?... He could have given some indication(like,....7500 is not enough....or will be tight)... in a decent way(if he knows singapore).... Anyway thanks Nath.
Last edited by JIJO_VN on Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nath21 » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:25 pm

What about your lifestyle and what you sort of spend back home, maid? maybe? are you going to buy or lease a car, is that pre tax (you wrote net before tax but that is confusing as its gross before tax and net after tax). People will help you just need to be a bit more specific.

But if you couldnt survive on that salary in any country I would be worried personally. If you want a rough estimate its enough and I think most people would agree.

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:32 pm

JIJO_VN wrote: As long term member of this group, you people can easily estimate whether the offered salary is enough for a family or not.
No, we cannot. And besides, why do you presume that we might wish to do so?

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Post by BillyB » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:33 pm

JIJO_VN wrote:Nath,
sorry... typo error.. offered salary is 17500... not 7500.
Wow, did you negotiate a wage increase already to 17500 PM. You made that typo twice btw in the title and in the actual post. I'd say you're losing credibility pretty fast........

Hmmmmm lets see here, $17500 PM converts to 600k IR or 8.5k GBP or 14k USD coupled with a much lower tax rate and you are wondering if you can afford to live here with a family and school them and have a decent lifestyle? It's Singapore not Monaco - but then you'd know that having done your research and received answers on another forum; I'm interested to know who provided all these other answers - was it The Singapore Psychic Society?

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Post by JIJO_VN » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:45 pm

Billy, are the best..................You are Psychic....................
Why should I prove my credibility to you.............?

All Other Members,
Sorry Guys.............

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 9:54 pm

Yer know, I'm really starting to wonder if this 'level of expectations' thing correlates with nationality - or just appears to do so.

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Post by BillyB » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 10:13 pm

JIJO_VN wrote:Billy, are the best..................You are Psychic....................
Why should I prove my credibility to you.............?

All Other Members,
Sorry Guys.............
All other members, sorry guys?? Yeah, you endeared yourself to everyone so well - getting on your high horse when someone points out the obvious. Gee's, if I was clutching at straws asking people to second guess something, I'd rather have someone tell me straight and direct rather than blow smoke up my arse. But then that's me. Everyone is different. But I certainly wouldn't get all jumped up when, like your first post clearly demonstrates, you are not well versed about Singapore and are looking for help.

As you'll know from your research, this is a pretty in-depth forum. A lot people take time out of their schedule to assist others. Some of the comments can be blunt at times but generally they are meant in the best way. It's tough love but it does stop people from mis-managing their expectations and wasting time by asking the same old, same old questions. these are big life decisions if you are moving Country and I think it's better to drill down and get to the points rather than give someone the answers they 'want' to hear and leave them up sh*t creek without a paddle.

If I was looking for assistance, I would have asked something like this; I'm being paid 17500 and looking to allocate $6-8k for housing and schooling, so this amount, 6-8k, is my disposable each month. Out of which i need to apportion tax, food, travel, perhaps rent a car. We live an average lifestyle - we like to go out once a week, not to expensive restaurants but to also have a few drinks, so that means finding a babysitter. Add on phone and utility bills and some debt commitments back home and we are left with XXXXXX. Are these expenses a fair reflection of living in Singapore - I have done my research but not everything on paper translates into real-life. Could you guys provide feedback to help me out and clarify if I am in the rough ballpark.

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Post by JIJO_VN » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 10:27 pm

Ok....... Bill, Thanks.
Yes, it is my mistake................Sorry.
I am really panic to get out from my current location as it is affecting my kids education.
Whole day I am sitting infront of computer, talking to various people, posting in different forums as I don't want to make mistake again as I have done previously and regretting now.

Anyway it is my life.... sorry for any inconvenience caused....not intentioanlly....

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 10:30 pm

Charming personal message just received...

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To: JR8
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:09 pm
Subject: jr8

So I got a hole in one on the character-judgment then! 8-)

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