Oh easy now
. It is you that must accept that you in the minority, the loony fringe, and who’s view are contrary to popular opinion
. And why are your views contrary to popular opinion? Is it because Democrats are so enlightened and yet misunderstood, or do they just have have crap policies that people don't want?
Jeez I’m not even a yank but I have to enjoy the Dem posturing, not least because it is so extreme. ‘You either vote Obama or you’re a Tea-Party idiot jackass' - Apparently lol.
Personally my life experience tells me that socialism fails. And that socialist politicians are only in it to control the little people and take power via exploiting them.
I once betted a yank colleague c. $100k (a
property) that I could neck a pint faster than him. He declined, shame as I’d have won. I’m less ready to take wagers these days though, I don’t bet unless I know I’ll win. Why gamble when you’ve already got all the chips - hard won though a republican ethos?
Obama a deep thinker? As Trump so astutely put it, the only smart thing about that glove puppet was his campaign. Without auto-cue the guy can hardly talk. But if you rally to tokens, who have achieved nothing, nominated for a Nobel after 9 days in office, flip-flop and dither in the wind then so be it.
BO win re-election? Yeah maybe he will, as there seems little in solid opposition, and as suggested many people vote for image over ideas at all costs.
p.s. Like I said before just a default ‘GOP are idiots’ stance is... just hackneyed and most lame. Especially when it comes from the minority vs the majority