Singapore Expats

Cost of delivering baby in Singapore.

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Cost of delivering baby in Singapore.

Post by manishbasantani » Sat, 02 Apr 2011 3:38 pm

Hi All,

I will be moving to Singapore with my husband in May'11 and i am currently 4months pregnant.

Since i am moving to singapore in the middle of my pregnancy, my husband's company is not providing medical insurance against pregnancy. So that means we will have to bear the complete expenses.

Can someone please give me some idea about the expenses of delivering a baby in Singapore? We just want to plan ahead and be prepared for some range of expenses that could be incurred during delivery.

Please help.

Posts: 370
Joined: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 7:39 pm
Location: East Coast, Singapore

Post by snowqueen » Sat, 30 Apr 2011 10:38 pm

I'm afraid this is one of the threads which has been done to death on there. If you just scroll down a couple of pages you will see them. Mostly titled 'how much will it cost to have a baby in Singapore' or something to that nature. Here's a couple that I've commented from over the years.

I delivered at Thomson Medical Centre via C Section. All of the major hospitals pretty much have the delivery costs on their web sites but this will not include your Drs fees and pre natal care. Please feel free to get in touch when you get here and PM me. ... highlight= ... highlight= ... highlight=

This should be enough to get you started but please feel free to ask any other questions. My friend paid $3.5k for a natural 2 night stay, I paid $9.5k for 4 night stay with C Section and a couple of complications. Hope this helps.

Good luck XX

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