Hi, I would like to ask for an opinion regarding offer letters. Mainly, I am looking at the legal perspective, and not so much the ethical considerations (as I am already aware of those).
I have recently signed a offer letter. It states that appointment to begin on X date (in the future), subject to EP approval. The EP application will not be put through for another few weeks for various reasons. As such, I most likely will not have EP approval until a couple days before X date. There is also a notice period agreed to.
From my understanding, the offer letter is actually more of a protection for me, than for the company? As such, I am actually not legally bound to adhere to the notice period and other clauses until "appointment" actually begins? And this appointment actually wont' begin until EP is approved? Would my interpretation be correct? OR, am I bound to the contract the moment I sign it (again, I am referring to the legal perspective, not ethical).
Essentially then, if I were to break the offer before EP is applied for, would I be legally bound to the clauses in the offer agreement?