For this forum to be awesome, minds have to expand.
"Life is too complicated to be interpreted in an ideological way,"
"preconceived ideas feel like an oppression." Yes, yes, yes, give me freedom any day, the freedom to think for myself, the freedom to be myself.
"It is always a tiny but concrete thing from reality that shakes my convictions, and it is precisely this discovery in itself that interests and stimulates me the most."
'Not imprisoned in a category'
"The director also avoids cliches. He never, for example, shows the landmark sights of Seoul nor tries to beautify his country's landscape or present it as exotic."
Quoting from ... 9-356.html
I have no idea who this guy is but thank god he is breaking from the Korean cinematic mold. I have given up watching Korean soaps, it is so pigeon holed. Mind-numbingly boring. Typical story line, poor being suppressed by the rich or powerful, usually there would be a character who have studied or work in America (why only America, so many countries to choose from, the world is your oyster). In the seemingly well groomed and well dressed lot, there would be this hyper active character who likes to use the broom for lashing out (for god's sake, the broom is for sweeping the floor, if you need to express physical violence, please use something more dignified like a real cane!). And then in the seemingly well-mannered lot with all its posturing and bowing and blah blah blah, the amount of gossiping, stabbing and sensationalising is enough to last my whole life time.
Okay, thank you all for listening. Now you know why I won't expend an hour of my life in a korean soap. I rather visit this forum
