Im not sure which thread this should be in, just taking my chances.
I intend to assist a Thai girl living near my house to get some help from AWARE, the women's organisation, regarding verbal and emotional abuse from her Singaporean husband. She has just had their first child a month ago and she receives daily verbal lashings from him. this has been since she discovered he was fooling around when she was 7 months pregnant.
Although she speaks English, its very basic and I think its important for her to have a translator who speaks good English and can explain to the counsellors there what has been going on the past few months.
It is not urgent (yet) but im starting to compile names n contacts of some thai speaking people who may be able to help if things get difficult.
if you can help to translate, please PM me or leave me your email add in a message here and I will contact you.
Thank you.