Angela Merkel is obviously indulging in publicity stunt. Should you care to search around you may find the nuclear reactors incorporated some interesting safety features. The problem was that nobody ancticipated a tsunami the size it was if they anticipated one at all. I should add this was not crass stupidy, the sad reality is you cannot always predict what disaster(s) will unfold.tyianchang wrote:Angela Merkel has ordered the closing down of 7 nuclear reactors, some critics say, in time for the coming elections in the green belt of Germany. But , considering that most other countires are new reviewing their nuclear power plants and looking at viable renewable energy alternatives, will they be quick enough to divert the world's number 1 danger?
It's incredible, isn't it? I heard an amazing story on the news here last night that made my jaw drop. Apparently, some people had gone to a shop that was nearly empty and tried to buy some of the last items of food, but the shopkeeper couldn't open his till or something (can't remember the exact details - but the customers couldn't pay anyway). So they put the food back on the shelves and left.nakatago wrote:I read something very interesting: there's no looting in Japan!
BBC news has shown people forming orderley queues only to be handed one small rice ball between two people along with an over-burdened hospital itself short of food and water together with a doctor who had little or no sleep in three days.k1w1 wrote: The shortage of food and fuel is a real concern. I read today that even hospitals are running low on food and shelters are being forced to ration food down to one rice ball between two people. That is frightening.
Certainly a culture to be admired in many ways! My heart goes out to them and my prayers too!Plavt wrote:BBC news has shown people forming orderly queues only to be handed one small rice ball between two people along with an over-burdened hospital itself short of food and water together with a doctor who had little or no sleep in three days.k1w1 wrote: The shortage of food and fuel is a real concern. I read today that even hospitals are running low on food and shelters are being forced to ration food down to one rice ball between two people. That is frightening.
(please ignore the word's middle east the link is correct)
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