Was really bored in the office when my colleague asked me to try out this crossword puzzle on facebook. Apparently, it's some promotional stuff for South Australia? So if you solve the crossword puzzle (google is ur best fren) you stand a chance to win a pair of tickets via SIA to Adelaide.
So I thought, why not not give a try? And for those who are as bored as I am in the office now, can give the game a try as well... here's the link.
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id= ... 4949752878
There's apparently a second game where you have to spot their jeep and snap a picture of it to win the tickets as well? But I don't think I am that bored as to run around the CBD looking for the jeep. XD Oh well, whatever makes them happy right?
Anyway hope you guys 'enjoyed' the game.