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Cannabis and Psychosis

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Cannabis and Psychosis

Post by ksl » Wed, 02 Mar 2011 2:46 pm

Finally the proof that cannabis can trigger psychosis! I kept telling all those nutters back home, but they wouldn't believe me.

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Re: Cannabis and Psychosis

Post by Strong Eagle » Wed, 02 Mar 2011 4:11 pm

ksl wrote:Finally the proof that cannabis can trigger psychosis! I kept telling all those nutters back home, but they wouldn't believe me.
That's still really a crock of crap. Marijuana is one of the safest drugs of any, including alcohol.

From my own personal experience, and the observation of 100's if not thousands of pot users over my life, in the workplace and elsewhere, I firmly say that psychosis is a very rare thing, even when high quality pot is involved. At one point, I dared not drug test my staff, all good workers, for I knew 70 percent of them would fail. Pot use in the 70's and 80's was rampant... I mean, everywhere. Most of the people I know that did it don't do it anymore, but I can name only one acquaintance who quit because of what it did to him.

So, while there may be some people susceptible, the vast, vast majority are not.

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Post by nakatago » Wed, 02 Mar 2011 4:15 pm

All this talk is making me crave brownies...
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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Wed, 02 Mar 2011 4:21 pm

cue JR8 with his giant doobie! :lol:

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Re: Cannabis and Psychosis

Post by Eau2011 » Wed, 02 Mar 2011 4:28 pm

Strong Eagle wrote: That's still really a crock of crap. Marijuana is one of the safest drugs of any, including alcohol.

No wonder Marijuana is legal in NL. :mrgreen:

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Post by ksl » Wed, 02 Mar 2011 4:48 pm

To a cetain extent I agree SE, though dosage must have some effect, the people I know that started at 11 and 12 years old, are now in their 30's, they have been very heavy users smoking 20 or 30 a day and at weekends, blowing their heads off.

So i think excessive usage may bring it on.

I know several people warded in hospital in Denmark for hash usage too, which is a preparation of cannabis in high concentration. Though the survey doesn't actually state it was hash just cannabis.

I have seen at parties how Hash users can be manipulated to do whatever a person wants them to do, like pee their pants....or even jump out of a window...but that is after several heavy pipes. I myself have not participated in these events that was specifically to prove a point.

I also know that Hashish is used for manipulating assassination and suicide bombers ... rists.html

USA military problem with Hashish in the Afghan army ... 00441.html

There's users and abusers just like alcohol!

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Post by Garlickbred » Thu, 03 Mar 2011 9:27 am

I have seen at parties how Hash users can be manipulated to do whatever a person wants them to do, like pee their pants....
Well if it's going to be that kinda party..... :? I have plenty friends back home who socially indulge and they're fine. Just as with anything really, overindulgene is not the way forward?
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Re: Cannabis and Psychosis

Post by JR8 » Thu, 03 Mar 2011 9:43 am

Strong Eagle wrote:
ksl wrote:Finally the proof that cannabis can trigger psychosis! I kept telling all those nutters back home, but they wouldn't believe me.
That's still really a crock of crap. Marijuana is one of the safest drugs of any, including alcohol.

From my own personal experience, and the observation of 100's if not thousands of pot users over my life, in the workplace and elsewhere, I firmly say that psychosis is a very rare thing, even when high quality pot is involved. At one point, I dared not drug test my staff, all good workers, for I knew 70 percent of them would fail. Pot use in the 70's and 80's was rampant... I mean, everywhere. Most of the people I know that did it don't do it anymore, but I can name only one acquaintance who quit because of what it did to him.

So, while there may be some people susceptible, the vast, vast majority are not.

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Post by JR8 » Thu, 03 Mar 2011 9:52 am

I think times have changed. Back in my day, apparently [cough] you could smoke a joint and would just feel relaxed and happy. You could roll em up and smoke til the cows came home and just have a real cool time.

These days, apparently [cough] it is so strong it is like shooting up on smack. Somebody I know well [cough], last time he smoked a joint, he said he immediately started hallucinating, and entered a state of disorientation and mild but controllable panic.

It's just not cool any more, but rather frightening. That's the last time he did it.

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Post by ksl » Thu, 03 Mar 2011 11:12 am

JR8 wrote:I think times have changed. Back in my day, apparently [cough] you could smoke a joint and would just feel relaxed and happy. You could roll em up and smoke til the cows came home and just have a real cool time.

These days, apparently [cough] it is so strong it is like shooting up on smack. Somebody I know well [cough], last time he smoked a joint, he said he immediately started hallucinating, and entered a state of disorientation and mild but controllable panic.

It's just not cool any more, but rather frightening. That's the last time he did it.
yes I have to agree, times have changed and the stuff going around is probably doctored, not at all like the hippie days, I've seen guys just slumped over in Denmark and totally out of it, there is definitely a big difference between grass and hash these days so it could well be the preparation and additives to get people hooked.

It's quite soul destroying in UK in the housing estates, people appear so negative on it, just like the afghans in that video and they think its great and cool, it's bad enough trying to have a conversation with them anyway up North, and impossible after they have had a joint. :lol: Okay guys yes the depressive north west, I'll get it right! :P That chick above looks like some sweet entertainment 8-) or is it a cross dresser :roll:

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Post by JR8 » Thu, 03 Mar 2011 6:03 pm

ksl wrote:
JR8 wrote:I think times have changed. Back in my day, apparently [cough] you could smoke a joint and would just feel relaxed and happy. You could roll em up and smoke til the cows came home and just have a real cool time.

These days, apparently [cough] it is so strong it is like shooting up on smack. Somebody I know well [cough], last time he smoked a joint, he said he immediately started hallucinating, and entered a state of disorientation and mild but controllable panic.

It's just not cool any more, but rather frightening. That's the last time he did it.
yes I have to agree, times have changed and the stuff going around is probably doctored, not at all like the hippie days, I've seen guys just slumped over in Denmark and totally out of it, there is definitely a big difference between grass and hash these days so it could well be the preparation and additives to get people hooked.

It's quite soul destroying in UK in the housing estates, people appear so negative on it, just like the afghans in that video and they think its great and cool, it's bad enough trying to have a conversation with them anyway up North, and impossible after they have had a joint. :lol: Okay guys yes the depressive north west, I'll get it right! :P That chick above looks like some sweet entertainment 8-) or is it a cross dresser :roll:

These days it is genetically modified for potency. Even say 15 years ago you were starting to see the emergence of 'branded' grass called Skunk. Then along came Super-Skunk. Lord knows what the stuff today is called, or how it is bred. It is, apparently, more akin to dropping a tab of acid than toking the hippy-era homegrown.

I have no difficulty understanding why this stuff can permanently mess with young people's heads. I think liberal parents need to be aware that the odd innocent joint or two from their youth, repeated by their children, is now a very serious 'trip' indeed.

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Post by BigSis » Wed, 09 Mar 2011 11:03 pm

I don't know about psychosis but it can make some people a bit paranoid......however, with it being illegal in most places, that's understandable.

But if people think it can bring on psychosis then I'd say there had to be something there to start with. Plenty of people use it for years without problems.
Last edited by BigSis on Thu, 10 Mar 2011 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ttuguy421 » Thu, 10 Mar 2011 7:45 pm

JR8 wrote:I think times have changed. Back in my day, apparently [cough] you could smoke a joint and would just feel relaxed and happy. You could roll em up and smoke til the cows came home and just have a real cool time.

These days, apparently [cough] it is so strong it is like shooting up on smack. Somebody I know well [cough], last time he smoked a joint, he said he immediately started hallucinating, and entered a state of disorientation and mild but controllable panic.

It's just not cool any more, but rather frightening. That's the last time he did it.
I generally think that people saying it having hallucinogenic effects are overblown.. Having just graduated college a little over two years ago and having been around and... partaking 8-) in some very quality stuff I have to say it is just a stronger effect than the weaker stuff.. Meaning while on the weak stuff you might smoke a whole J.. but the better stuff you take a few hits and your ripped.. The hallucinogenic effect is more auditory than visual, for ex. you can sit and listen to an album and its "amazing" compared to listening to it straight. I have never ever ever ever had a visual trip while smoking pot.. Having tried magic mushrooms a few times in college as well, there is no comparison... One alters your reality to a massive point.. Another makes time pass slower... and Cheetos taste fantastic! Now days it is more tailor made to the point of you can have some high quality that has different effects... such as one is completely relaxing.. all you want to do is lay on the couch and watch movies.. some are more of a "head high" where you still have energy but are kinda goofy but can function almost normally.. some are better for pain relief and medicinal qualities.. etc..

Being in a place now where it is not at all worth it to break the law and use it.. I drink more often than I ever did.. I used to never drink and only smoke.. and can tell you the difference between a heavy night drinking and a heavy night smoking is night and day.. If you look at the studies it is far less harmful in many respects to smoke pot compared to drinking alcohol or smoking cigs.. Just my 2 cents..

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Post by ttuguy421 » Thu, 10 Mar 2011 7:47 pm

And for whats it's worth.. I was an everyday smoker.. at least a few bowls or joints a day.. usually after the day was through.. but sometimes it was fun to get a little stoned and go to a particularly boring class.. :P

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Post by JR8 » Thu, 10 Mar 2011 8:06 pm

TT, is your experience from Europe or elsewhere?

Just curious.

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