I don't think my TCM doctor gave me medicine of bear bile. What I got is only herbs.Amy Corrigan wrote: You can also help by supporting TCM shops that display the endangered species-friendly TCM label and asking your local TCM shop to sign up to the endangered species-friendly labelling scheme.
You can see a list of shops who have signed up to the scheme here:
http://www.acres.org.sg/campaigns/curre ... SCHEME.pdf
Yes, they are good and well meaning people, and they do make a difference. I was involved mostly in activism against that huge new aquarium on Sentosa bringing in a whale shark.Eau2011 wrote:Oh really?JR8 wrote:+1 to ACRES, an organisation I was involved with for a couple of years on my last stint in-country (i.e. SG).
BTW, did you design that Malay mode?
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