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How do you look at china and future of china

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Post by JayCee » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 1:06 pm

Some questions that I think might be relevant to the topic for Anne:

- where were you born
- where did you grow up
- where did you parents grow up
- what citizenship(s) did you inherit at birth
- where do you live now
- what citizenship(s) do you hold now?

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Post by Vaucluse » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 1:14 pm

JR8 wrote:oh I forgot this p.s. to my previous post.


I think most accurate assessments place Mao ahead of Stalin . . .

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Post by Strong Eagle » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 1:39 pm

Vaucluse wrote:
JR8 wrote:oh I forgot this p.s. to my previous post.


I think most accurate assessments place Mao ahead of Stalin . . .
+1 - Most articles I've seen put his 'kills' at between 40 and 78 million and the others somewhat lower than the stats on the photo... 23 million for Stalin, and about 15 million for Hitler.

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Post by paulzheng » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 1:55 pm

Eau2011 wrote:
ksl wrote: There is incredible talent in China, you can see that with all the gold medals they take, it is a huge and wonderful Country and we see the changes rapidly advancing towards a more open society. the hunger for growth is there, though the sustainability of building and knocking down, building less than 5 years old, will take its toll and the bubble will burst to keep the construction industry employed.
Unfortunately I have to tell you those professional sportsmen are financed by the Chinese tax payers. They do nothing but train to get the gold medals, that's their occupation. Chinese people critisied this a lot during Olympic game in 2008.

In other countries those sportsmen are amateur, e.g. I was once in Prague, the door man in the hotel has attended the Olympic game in 2008.

Another example is German Dmocratic republic in Olympic games from 1972 to 1988, they've won the most gold medals cause they put much time and money to train these sportsmen.

The most gold medals don't mean average Chinese are good at sport.

It does well to listen to its own heart...only last week they reduced the crimes on the list of capital offences. china is heading in the right direction , though technologically speaking it's quite a long way behind and will rely on others to develop high tech.
I really don't know if you can trust the media much about the reducing of crimes of capital offences.
But on developing high tech I agree with you.

"In other countries those sportsmen are amateur, e.g. I was once in Prague, the door man in the hotel has attended the Olympic game in 2008. "

Really, unbelievable!

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 4:32 pm

Strong Eagle wrote: +1 - Most articles I've seen put his 'kills' at between 40 and 78 million and the others somewhat lower than the stats on the photo... 23 million for Stalin, and about 15 million for Hitler.
SE and Vaucluse, yes I believe you are right, but finding pithy graphics with accurate stats on is not so easy. I was aiming for more of a two-fingered 'a picture paints a thousand words' than complete historical accuracy. If that makes sense!

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Post by tyianchang » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 7:39 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:What's wrong with being provocative? As far as heat is concerned, she's also taken her fair share of abuse. I'd say it's more like a schoolyard spat. That's why I'm willing to let it continue. Both sides are being provocative so it would only be fair to warn ALL posters that the same could easily befall any of us/them who continue to push at the OB markers. As far as her beliefs are concerned, it's somewhat interesting to have somebody go against mainstream thought, never mind how misguided we think or it actually may be. I do it all the time over the current stooge in the White House. :P

Let us not be so hasty to condemn to oblivion when in most cases she it just trying to give back what she is getting.

Say SMS, thanks for sticking up for me. And yes, it's better to be seen as nameless as I was getting some embarrassemnt with such uncalled for attacks, or should I say abuse, this being the only way some posters need to resort to to get my rebuttals.
BTW, you do read well regarding the schoolyard spat. That's how it felt -like a few retrogressive decades in one's moral and intellectual development. Some learning, like getting to know the character of each writer and their country of representation as freely played out, is interesting, some new POVs worth musing over or entirely enlightening, some wit sparkling banter, useful info etc is what most of us look for; certainly not the crass bullying and rude harrassment from the few.
As another discernable member in the stature of MANTHINK will agree with you, the level of our tolerance depends on our very own level of intellectual achievement. Some just can't take it when discussions fall way outside their scope. Is that why they snarl up a tree? Or are there the Thought Police around? I have wondered, but you're a thought police buster so I'd say I trust your moderation for this SG forum. And that's a big plus for SG.
Removed by moderator in the interests of calming things down. Sorry.
I was indeed, thinking of withdrawing but with SMS. ksl and Manthink around, it's worth fighting for an ethically respectable ideological free corner. Especially in the current global direction - will post some thing from Foucault for your musing.
Last edited by tyianchang on Mon, 28 Feb 2011 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 7:54 pm

tyianchang wrote: And yes, it's better to be seen as nameless as I was getting some embarrassemnt with such uncalled for attacks, or should I say abuse, this being the only way some posters need to resort to to get my rebuttals.

Two points.

You do not seem to accept that forums are for debate. That means that sometimes people will disagree with you, however you do not seem to accept that people should be allowed to disagree with you.
My advice...

For heaven's sake can you post in comprehensible English!? And you say you were a teacher in England!? Really I'm done with even trying, many people have said they have no idea what you are talking about (incl me), and yet you make no effort to be more cogent. Well?

It is no wonder you irritate so many people and disrupt the forum as a result.

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Post by Manthink » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 9:19 pm

If I am Mao (yes the the evil smug looking guy in the center), I would be flattered by Dr. Rex Curry for placing me along with the kill scores of those 2 gentlemen with facial hair...wohoo! 35 million!

Trouble is I cannot take the entire credit since Mother-nature was on my side when She worked her drought and flood magic during GLF.

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Post by Eau2011 » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 9:27 pm

tyianchang wrote: Some just can't take it when discussions fall way outside their scope.... Or are there the Thought Police around?
That is indeed what I felt.

I was brain-washed before, and now I can think free. You repeated exactly what I have heard when I grew up. Thinking is verboten, that's the message you gave to me.

So I felt Thought Police is around me again and Big Brother is watching me!

And you gave me the impression that you can't take it when dicussions fall way outside your scope. You asked about my motive and where I live.

With these two points, I was a bit scared by you. I was even afraid you might be from national security.

If you can discuss reasonably, I would not have felt that.

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Post by Vaucluse » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 10:24 pm

Eau2011 wrote: If you can discuss reasonably, I would not have felt that.
The problem is that he/she seemingly can't, which is quite a pity as it is worthwhile being presented with two sides of a coin . . . but open discussion is not part of the authoritarian credo

(To spare you further embarrassment, Ty, I am not from New York, nor the US . . . )

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Post by tyianchang » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 11:22 pm

Eau2011 wrote:
tyianchang wrote: Some just can't take it when discussions fall way outside their scope.... Or are there the Thought Police around?
That is indeed what I felt.

I was brain-washed before, and now I can think free. You repeated exactly what I have heard when I grew up. Thinking is verboten, that's the message you gave to me.

So I felt Thought Police is around me again and Big Brother is watching me!

And you gave me the impression that you can't take it when dicussions fall way outside your scope. You asked about my motive and where I live.

With these two points, I was a bit scared by you. I was even afraid you might be from national security.

If you can discuss reasonably, I would not have felt that.
I can categorically say you needn't have any fear of me. I don't make it a point to remember what goes on in the forum. As for the national security, lol, that's really so funny I can smell something!
I'm sorry if I can't feel convinced that I know who I'm talking to, no offence meant.
I rather like Brah's metaphor of the china heirloom. It's refined and sensitive. Talk to her if you can't trust me, but most of all, your fear is groundless. I'm never a bully.
Last edited by tyianchang on Tue, 01 Mar 2011 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by nakatago » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 11:27 pm

JR8 wrote:
tyianchang wrote: And yes, it's better to be seen as nameless as I was getting some embarrassemnt with such uncalled for attacks, or should I say abuse, this being the only way some posters need to resort to to get my rebuttals.

Two points.

You do not seem to accept that forums are for debate. That means that sometimes people will disagree with you, however you do not seem to accept that people should be allowed to disagree with you.
My advice...

For heaven's sake can you post in comprehensible English!? And you say you were a teacher in England!? Really I'm done with even trying, many people have said they have no idea what you are talking about (incl me), and yet you make no effort to be more cogent. Well?

It is no wonder you irritate so many people and disrupt the forum as a result.

Dude...dining room table. DINING. ROOM. EFFIN'. TABLE.
"A quokka is what would happen if there was an anime about kangaroos."

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Post by Eau2011 » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 11:31 pm

nakatago wrote:
JR8 wrote:
tyianchang wrote: And yes, it's better to be seen as nameless as I was getting some embarrassemnt with such uncalled for attacks, or should I say abuse, this being the only way some posters need to resort to to get my rebuttals.

Two points.

You do not seem to accept that forums are for debate. That means that sometimes people will disagree with you, however you do not seem to accept that people should be allowed to disagree with you.
My advice...

For heaven's sake can you post in comprehensible English!? And you say you were a teacher in England!? Really I'm done with even trying, many people have said they have no idea what you are talking about (incl me), and yet you make no effort to be more cogent. Well?

It is no wonder you irritate so many people and disrupt the forum as a result.

Dude...dining room table. DINING. ROOM. EFFIN'. TABLE.
Nak, you are an UN peacemaker :mrgreen:

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Post by nakatago » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 11:34 pm

Eau2011 wrote:
nakatago wrote:
JR8 wrote:
Two points.

You do not seem to accept that forums are for debate. That means that sometimes people will disagree with you, however you do not seem to accept that people should be allowed to disagree with you.
My advice...

For heaven's sake can you post in comprehensible English!? And you say you were a teacher in England!? Really I'm done with even trying, many people have said they have no idea what you are talking about (incl me), and yet you make no effort to be more cogent. Well?

It is no wonder you irritate so many people and disrupt the forum as a result.

Dude...dining room table. DINING. ROOM. EFFIN'. TABLE.
Nak, you are an UN peacemaker :mrgreen:
Well, the facepalm doesn't just quite work for this one.
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Post by ksl » Mon, 28 Feb 2011 11:46 pm

Chinese students and lecturers, post PHD researches etc and no one of them ever talk about fear or national security. It makes me wonder why you keep on at it, that's all.
If you consider all the above students, lecturers, and post PHD researchers, you will discover, that they are hand picked, due to their loyalty program and supported by government subsidies, and/or relatives to high cadre officials. Only the cream used to be allowed out back in the 90's as passports had to be applied for, from the national security police.

I know the person I helped out, was eventually sent back and she was eventually punished by not being allowed to work anywhere in China...she was a qualified head doctor of a gynecology department...overlooking the conveyor belt of cesarean deliveries, well qualified in acupuncture too and western medicine, in which they combined both methods for delivery as the acupuncture wasn't perfect to anaesthetise every patient.

So every student that was thought to be a flight risk, would not be allowed to travel outside of China, that used to be fact. Though i cannot answer for today, even though I know it's easier to travel overseas now.

There is a price to pay the communist party, if you want your University documentation and it really wasn't affordable for Chinese degree holders back then, but some changes have been implemented for the good communist...not much for the bad ones :) scholarships would be out of the question for example, no matter how you bent over backwards, and family members would have to support the one absconding to secure a better life for filial piety. I believe it's the same today. So the one's you get to meet in western Universities are mostly the new super rich or well connected.
Last edited by ksl on Tue, 01 Mar 2011 12:01 am, edited 4 times in total.

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