As recently announced, the UN security Council's stepping up their demands on C.Ghadafi and will try him in court after his surrender. I'm not entirely sure if that's intervention or inference, but it might be an economically arranged outcome, with the cost of the court hearings to be funded by the sale of oil.bigfilsing wrote:well not so much a wind up as a alcohol (yes SE) induced outlet of frustration following a Friday night "with the boys" Of late "with the boys" has turned into a discussion group and the US's foreign policy is always a good un.
k1w1 > Exactly who expects the US to step in ? Aside from the occasional dictator who is losing power to the masses and bleats like a school girl ( while shifting their amassed millions offshore) . The US have assumed the role of world police , usually only when their interests are threatened.
I get it ...its a big place with a lot of people . Reserve currency mmmmmh can you say bankrupt in Chinese![]()
My rant isn't generic USA bashing ...i have visited many times and its a fantastic place with many great people , i am just tired of the US wadding in uninvited to try and bring people the US idea of democracy and values when its clear many dont want it and often the flavour of democracy wont/doesn't work in other countries.
Egypt burst and is calming down without foreign involvement guess (hope) is Libya, Algeria and Iran will do the same. Leave them to it. Maybe not ideal but just how many un-win-able wars do you want to be involved in.
I agree about leaving countries to run their own governments. It's all about taking sides rather than really knowing who's good or bad. Besides, it's all spreading a bit too thin on the ground. Who'll be left to defend if everyone's sent out to fight other people's wars?
The forecast for Egypt, and probably Libya, is that the people will need aid as food shortage is becoming a problem. Can the US and the UK send aid to these countries in the aftermath of the revolutions when they're lumbered with national debts, cuts, rising costs and a bleak economy?
Yet, the world depends on each other and I agree peace and self-determinism is the only way but can Egypt ensure a fair election in the coming months without help from the UN and will the new govt guarantee equal rights for all?