Talking about MNC is because they act differently in different countries.JR8 wrote: Do you know the MNC will try to take advantage of those societies if law is incomplete there or there is law but it's not strictly followed? I know many of these. Without law restriction, will they really talk about ethic??
Is it just MNCs or all companies? In fact is it all companies, or individual/sole traders as well? In fact in your eyes are people parasites on society? Do these parasites need to elect other parasite-controllers in order to control their parasitical tendencies?
I just saw the same companies which grant all the rights to their German employees but not to the employees in other countries where no law asks them to do so. They take the advantages. You must also know Adidas has used child labor indirectly in Indonesia before... Will they dare to do that in Germany or not to control their subcontractors?? That's the reality, believe it or not.
Off topic: if they do have moral high ground, why do they still do business with those countries in which the human rights are much violated? They are quite flexible, huh?
When talking about the sanction, their own interest has always the highest priority.
Even the UN world food programme, supported by the nations and companies which (ironically) have the right to tell UN where to allocate the food, did not give enough food to countries like Bangladesh because those coutries are strategically not important for them, no oil and resources, no big consumer market etc. It's always a give-and-take...
Or do you think they have rights to judge who need the food more and who less?