Singapore Expats

Malacca for a day or two.

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Malacca for a day or two.

Post by Similan » Sat, 12 Feb 2011 5:32 pm

I've been thinking about getting away from Singapore for a couple of days with my wife. Somewhere inexpensive & was originally thinking Johor Bahru.

A couple of other threads that I read, recommended instead that Malacca would be a better choice.

Can anyone give some insight into what to expect from a quick jaunt to Malacca. Probably leave Singapore on the bus in the morning and then spend one or two nights in Malacca before catching the bus back home.

Is this long enough? What should I see & do while there.


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Post by raylistic87 » Sun, 13 Feb 2011 11:39 am

It is a small city, which I think 2-3 days will be good enough. Alot of people from Singapore goes there for the weekend, i.e fri to sunday.
Probably the food you should try are chicken rice balls and peranakan food known as the nyona food.
Seafood is pretty over there as well. You should make an effort to stop by for some Portugese Seafood at Malacca.

The bus journey should be around 3 hrs.


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