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singapore national service exemption

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singapore national service exemption

Post by hcanada » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 12:16 pm

Hey i would like some advice on my situation.

Im currently in Canada, with a permanent resident status,
was born in singapore and left the country before the age of 11,
as i still have my singapore passport, my parents are making me do the NS service which i think is because they dont seem to see any other solution, im 18 and im suppose to go back to do my NS after my studies in 6 months or so, i have been back to singapore once since leaving. I dont choose to go back to do my NS at all, because i want to stay in Canada for the rest of my life, is there any way i can get out of it?
I do believe my parents made my pink id card when we went back 2 years ago, I argue with my parents everyday to not go back but they arent giving it a second thought because they want me to able to go back to singapore and i don't really care to go back at all.

Thanks for taking your time to help me, i greatly appreaciate it.
Please hellp!

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 1:32 pm

You, my friend are a deserter. As you/your parents have not followed protocol, you probably never got an exit permit, they probably never posted any bond, and you have missed your callup. If you do not return as soon as possible to sort out the matter, you will never be able to return to Singapore for ANY reason. With the new database system here which ties all the major databases in the government together, it's easy-peasy to catch you coming through immigration. This is especially so if you are still using a Singapore passport. When (not if) you are picked up, you will be, at the minimum, fined rather heavily and quite possibly incarcerated for a while and upon your release you will still be required to do your NS. See a number of these threads and ready the posts by Mad Scientist as he is the Guru here.

But at the moment, you are in deep trouble with the Gahmen here.

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Post by carteki » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 5:01 pm

SMS - I think that you are a bit harsh on the OP. Yes, in the Govts eyes he is a "deserter", but it was not his choice to leave SG at the age of 11 and it was not his fault that his parents didn't follow the protocol required when he turned 14 (and who knows what they want to do at the age of 14 anyways?).

There was a post by [deleted] (which has probably been deleted) to an OP in a similar situation. [deleted] basically said (if I remember correctly) that you can contact the relevent authorities and explain the story and hope for the best, but I can't remember the detail of who and what info to include. Perhaps the other members of the board can remember some more.

But to the OP - don't get your hopes up - you'll probably have to come back and do your NS.

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Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 5:07 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:You, my friend are a deserter. As you/your parents have not followed protocol, you probably never got an exit permit, they probably never posted any bond, and you have missed your callup. If you do not return as soon as possible to sort out the matter, you will never be able to return to Singapore for ANY reason. With the new database system here which ties all the major databases in the government together, it's easy-peasy to catch you coming through immigration. This is especially so if you are still using a Singapore passport. When (not if) you are picked up, you will be, at the minimum, fined rather heavily and quite possibly incarcerated for a while and upon your release you will still be required to do your NS. See a number of these threads and ready the posts by Mad Scientist as he is the Guru here.

But at the moment, you are in deep trouble with the Gahmen here.

How many YOU have you found ? What SMS said is very true. Think carefully before you decided against doing NS. If you in a confuse state need to talk privately post 5 post then PM me
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Post by hcanada » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 5:30 pm

my parents have done all of that, i just dont want to go....ive registered and done the exit permit and everything....well my parents made sure they did all of that, as they really want me to go,


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Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 5:48 pm

Good on your parent to do all that. I am sure they either post a bond of $75K or use two sureties to ensure that you stay overseas to complete your education. SG Gahmen only allows formal education up to A level or Diploma. Tertiary Education will be after NS completion. Your parent did what they thought was right but here is the minefield
1. If they post bond and you did NOT return. The $$$ will be forfeited but you are still liable and considered NS defaulter
2. If they provide two sureties i.e one living relative in SG and the other will be one of your parent name, if you failed to return, your living relative that has provided his/her name for surety will be held in court and liable. So does your parent.You are still liable
Hence I can understand why your parent is adamant that you return to serve as either way they will suffer the consequence of your action

Here's the thing that you may or may not realise. You are still a Sger FULLSTOP. If some reason Canada cancel your PR, you still have SG to fallback. To have this privilege, you have to perform your duties i.e NS. If you wish not to do it, your family should apply for Canada Citizenship and renounce years ago.
As of now, you are NS age stage, it may not be fair to you but spare a thought for your parents as they thought they are providing you an opportunity to study overseas.
Your family should have acquire Canadian citizenship as a back up plan. It is too late now as everything is falling into its places.
It is only One Year and 10 months max. How hard can it be?
I did my time too. I have kids much older than you but I did everything by the book and more.
Last edited by Mad Scientist on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hcanada » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 5:58 pm

i appreciate your help, well i guess there no way back...
i also have another the pre-enlistment medical screening, what do they search for, in the sense of urine and blood test?

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Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:06 pm

hcanada wrote:i appreciate your help, well i guess there no way back...
i also have another the pre-enlistment medical screening, what do they search for, in the sense of urine and blood test?
Yeah mate !! Full steam ahead !!

Have you gone for the first screening or not. You do not have to return just to do the check up. Register for NS and inform CMPB that you need to know the next intake, then return to the date closer to it Or else you will be wasting air ticket just for check up. If you do that, you will have the check up and a month later approx , you serve the NS. If not, you have to return to Canada as the next intake maybe months away.
Check up is to see if you really have something that hold in between your legs :lol:
Next any tattoos, defect , shortage of vertebrae etc....
Next your urine to check for drug or inhalant abuser,
Blood for HIV, VD and about 10 confirmed carriers like Hep A, B , C malaria
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Post by hcanada » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:11 pm

No i havent done it, and yes i will make sure to go closer to the intake, as my brother who made that mistake and wasted an airticket like you said, and had to wait a couple months for the intake.

if i do get tested postive for a drug like cannabis :shit:
what are the penalties? ](*,)

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Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:15 pm

hcanada wrote:No i havent done it, and yes i will make sure to go closer to the intake, as my brother who made that mistake and wasted an airticket like you said, and had to wait a couple months for the intake.

if i do get tested postive for a drug like cannabis :shit:
what are the penalties? ](*,)
It depends how long ago you used it ? Cocaine and heroin stay longer in your blood stream.

Drink a lot of coke before you go for check up should do the trick
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Post by hcanada » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:19 pm

well i don't go back until after the end of june when i finish my high school studies, so im pretty sure if i dont do it, i shall pass it without a doubt. is there no way of declaring it so i dont get penalize for it?

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Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:24 pm

hcanada wrote:well i don't go back until after the end of june when i finish my high school studies, so im pretty sure if i dont do it, i shall pass it without a doubt. is there no way of declaring it so i dont get penalize for it?
There is nothing to declare per se. Do not worry . chill...

There is nothing to penalise as any penal code needs to have time, place, witness and the party involve.

They will test it and if they ask , you declare if not, WALK AWAY !!!

You sound more like a Sger than a Canadian
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Post by Strong Eagle » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:29 pm

Mad Scientist wrote:
hcanada wrote:No i havent done it, and yes i will make sure to go closer to the intake, as my brother who made that mistake and wasted an airticket like you said, and had to wait a couple months for the intake.

if i do get tested postive for a drug like cannabis :shit:
what are the penalties? ](*,)
It depends how long ago you used it ? Cocaine and heroin stay longer in your blood stream.

Drink a lot of coke before you go for check up should do the trick
Actually, MS, it is cannabis, aka, marijuana that stays the longest in the body. Absorbed by fatty tissues. For heavy users (multiple joints every day for a prolonged period), cleanup time could be as long as 6 weeks... for a casual user, with lots of fluids drunk, as little as one or two weeks.

By comparison, cocaine takes 2 to 3 days for a casual user, and heroin about 3 days, even for an addict. Note however, that if someone wants to do a hair test, previous usage can be detected, so maybe you need to shave head and genitals.

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Post by hcanada » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:35 pm

well i have read a article about "two students studying in Australia have been jailed for a year after returning to Singapore with faint traces of drugs still in their blood three weeks after smoking cannabis at an end-of-exams party" so i don't want to end up like them.

i have asked CMPB the question about cannabis and they said "pre-enlistees deducted and confirmed using cannabis during pre-enlistment medical screening will be handed over to police."

hahahah we have soo much sg'rean influnce at home :P even though i've been living in canada for 7-8 years now, i even turn my singaporean accent on at home and turn my canadian accent on when im out with friends :P

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Post by hcanada » Tue, 08 Feb 2011 6:39 pm

and yes eagle is right about that statement, but no i stay away from those hard drugs. cannabis over in canada is hardly ever enforced by the local authorities. every tom dick and harry has either tried it or is doing it. as it is legally use for medical purposes over here.

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