Check out the google there are heaps of reasons. The biggest lie perpetrated by the anti vaccine lobby is that its linked to autism and that autistic kids didnt occur before 1930 vaccination program began which is a lie. Also autism is diagnosed at the same time kids are due for major jabs so ignorant parents link it to this. The key advocate of autism to the MMR jab in the uk was recently jailed for taking bribes from anit-vaccination lobby. He can no longer be a doctor in the UK and US. His "research" underpinned the whole autism and MMR jab link.nakatago wrote:It should be interesting to know why these people chose NOT to vaccinate their children...
...I mean, really?!?
I already know about the stuff you saying but I guess I was asking a rhetorical question.Nath21 wrote:Check out the google there are heaps of reasons. The biggest lie perpetrated by the anti vaccine lobby is that its linked to autism and that autistic kids didnt occur before 1930 vaccination program began which is a lie. Also autism is diagnosed at the same time kids are due for major jabs so ignorant parents link it to this. The key advocate of autism to the MMR jab in the uk was recently jailed for taking bribes from anit-vaccination lobby. He can no longer be a doctor in the UK and US. His "research" underpinned the whole autism and MMR jab link.nakatago wrote:It should be interesting to know why these people chose NOT to vaccinate their children...
...I mean, really?!?
Major diseases are returning in the west and nurses are having to be retrained in disease not seen for years as parents start to DR Google and be "informed". Whooping cough is a classic.
Personally I dont think its fair that these kids mix with others but what can you do. Parents concern is valid but is it fair to be part of a society and put other at risk? thats the big debate.
Main arguments: vaccinations are linked to major companies profits, make up of vaccinations sound bad so they must be, disease data is influenced by major corporations who have a direct interest, vaccines cots too much, these diseases were caused by poor sanitation which has been fixed now, disease dangers are exaggerated, governments are funded by major health companies. Its a a major conspiracy.
There was a fair US documentary program I saw recently which didnt judge but explained both sides of the argument and was on Starhub I cant remember what channel though.
And if one were to be genuinely concerned about linking vaccination to autism, s/he should have known by then that autism is genetic (pre-birth condition) and vaccination is can only be introduced at birth at earliest.Galactophagist wrote:There has been no clinical evidence linking vaccinations to a diagnosis of autism. The connection is nothing but hearsay and apocryphal. Vaccinate your children!
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