x9200 wrote:ksl wrote:It's actually a minefield, due to not fully understand the characters in play. What are sarcasm's and humor to one can be insulting to another on the grounds of culture. Also the levels of communication and, experience.
plays a major role.
If you study the posts long enough you will see a character pattern that forms.
Of course at weekends some people go out or drink at home, and either post on their return from a night in the town. You should really check it out on a full moon Ha ha!
I do not really think this is a case of misperception and communication problems (from one point on at least). It is also hard not to classify it as insults but I rather see it as some kind of act of desperation for someone who do not know how to handle simplest discussion disagreements. Personally I would not get offended but then I also could not take it all too seriously. It disqualifies someone as a partner in such discussions even if the person is a pure sweetness when it comes to face to face interactions.
Yes I can agree with that too, though I find it more amusing than insulting, though I know from experience with my Chinese wife, that I need to choose my words carefully, otherwise she feels insulted, while in fact it's just my sense of sarcastic humour.
I suppose the Brits can be a little sick when it comes to humour, i'm sure it's not just me...an example would be a crowd burst out laughing, because someone walking across the road is hit with a bus, the first remarks could be'
Crikey he was quick wasn't he! (Not)and everyone laughing out loud, though it would turn to embarrassment if the person was seriously injured and we would be sad, with another sarcastic remark, oh Christ, I didn't really mean it, but he should have been quicker, the silly bugger!. I mean people even some Brits would be offended with such chit chat. Insensitivity I suppose it is.
Must tell you this, that actually happend to me, I discovered this guy in a hole a labourer, his mate was next to him, trying to wake him up, I said what's, the guy didn't know. Could be heart attack.
Anyway I gave him CPR and mouth to mouth for a good 20/30 minutes, which wasn't pleasent has he smelled of beer.
Then I couldn't help cracking what I thought to be a funny remark, like Oh god, I think I bloody killed him, as the guys lungs were collapsing and air was coming out, I was breathing in ha!ha! Yeah just a ironic thought at a sad time.
We talk in jest many many times, it's fun, yet some people just do not understand it. Then there is the ' Oh poppy cock' you don't know what you are talking about, like baiting for fun.
I will admit that I have to explain many times to my own wife, when she takes it all the wrong way, because of pride and prejudice, without knowing the facts. I can tell you it can be quite volatile and i quite often say why don't you take off those blinkers.
I guess it's a kind of protectionism, where i look at the bigger picture, I'm not only British, I'm a mixture of different races, with an interest in all of my blood brothers I tend to keep an open mind until I can disprove anything.
I mean everything is in Black & White with China and even many mainland Chinese know Mao had his weaknesses that were unacceptable to some, like his passions. which i will not disclose. Though research should reveal.
Though Taiwanese Chinese insist that they are Chinese and no different, when others can see their is actually a great deal of difference, not in looks, but in character, personalities, the identity is very different.
I avoided picking up on many points in the discussion, for the simple reason you cannot discuss, with someone, that isn't fully open to discussion and when they are, their facts are not correct but one sided.