These reminds me of my previous experience years ago. I was attending a small bible group leads by a local pastor. I attended the bible study faithfully for few months and giving my regular donation.
Until one day the Pastor urged everyone to give a certain amount so that He can go to SPAIN to SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD.
I did my part stupidly until he asked us again to GIVE TO THE LORD so he can spread the word of God this time in ITALY.
Though I didnt give I stayed on with the group for few more months but stopped giving my GIFT TO THE LORD.
Until I found out he and his entire family spends a Luxurious time with the Lord in ITALY. Of course they are....
Read an article online today and realised they were also very badly affected by the pandemic, most lost 90% of their businesses no one is needing to...
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For the common man like I am, I have been using Revolut for my travels last year. Even for cash withdrawals.
3 Replies
Last post by the observer Mon, 14 Sep 2020 5:48 pm