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entrepass- open company and tax

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entrepass- open company and tax

Post by ran67676 » Mon, 17 Jan 2011 12:28 pm

first, ty for the valuable information that found in this forum
i just get my AIP letter from MOM for my ENTREPASS and i have 30 days to open my ompany+ 50 k bank statement.
my questions:
1) Can i open the company by my self? (i have a singapore partner that gona be the second director)? or must firm bcz i dont have now singpass.
2) if must firm as i read in past to the registration- we realy want to save our money as posible so- which firm you can reccomened to us will be able to do it the cheaper that possible?
3) company secretery- we need immidietly with the incorporation or can wait till 6 month after the opening?

question about tax in singapore: i know that singaporean and PR pay CPF every month (can do in net)- about myself as a ENTREPASS holder- where and when i will need to pay my tax? i understood it gona be ard 8.5%- every month or just in the end of year?

thank you

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