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Some advice for finding a doctor please

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Some advice for finding a doctor please

Post by feebee » Wed, 12 Jan 2011 4:31 pm


I'm 38 and have just found out I'm pregnant (about 7 weeks or so) for the first time. I have only been in Singapore for a couple of months, and this pregnancy was VERY unexpected as I was told by my doc in the UK that it would be difficult for me to conceive for various reasons. I have Diabetes so want to ensure I have a great doctor as I know there can be complications for women like me.

Can anyone recommend a great (preferably female) doctor for me and my partner to go visit and get the ball rolling so to speak?

Your advice/tips would be much appreciated- and if there are any ladies out there in a similar boat- would love to hear from you!

Thanks so much
Very nervous kiwi mum-to-be

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Post by poodlek » Wed, 12 Jan 2011 5:03 pm

Congratulations on your pregnancy :-)

My advice (at least, the way I tackled the issue) was to decide first which hospital I wanted to deliver at. You may know by now there are public hospitals and private hospitals here, and the price for services varies according to how fancy shmancy (or perhaps, appealing to expats?) the hospital is.

You can get an idea of differing costs, and the number of procedures each hospital does from the MOH website here

I chose NUH, a public teaching hospital, based on its proximity and price, and also because it does a slightly lower traffic since I don't want to be rushed. However, if you have complications in your pregnancy you may want to choose KKH (Women's and Children's hospital) since I am told they have the most resources for serious pregnancy and pediatric problems.

Once I chose NUH I went in and chose a doctor from a list they showed me, one that had been recommended on this forum in other threads, Dr. Mary Rauff. She is quite well known and seemingly has been around for a while (I think she is probably old enough to have delivered me). I haven't delivered yet, but I am quite happy with her care and bedside manner as I have experienced it so far.
Good luck!

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Re: Some advice for finding a doctor please

Post by KKB » Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:01 am

I am a 46yr old who managed to get pregnant via IVF ( not in Spore). I am now entering my 2nd trimester. I am looking for a good gynae that specializes in high risk pregnancy.

I was recommended one by the fertility clinci that did my IVF but the service is really bad and the doctor just seems to be clinical in her approach and not someone who instills trust. ( i called the clinic to ask a question about the medication that i am taking and the nurse there said that i have to relay any mesg thru her as the doctor wont take any calls. I need to come in and consult her for that 1 question... which there is a fee for)

Am worried, with my age.. i need a doctor that can handle potential complications and is also someone dedicated.

Can someone please help ...

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Re: Some advice for finding a doctor please

Post by Paribram » Sun, 29 Sep 2019 3:28 pm

Hi KKB. I was wondering if you managed to find a doctor?
We’re in the same boat 😉

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