No sir, nobody seems to be blowing smoke in your child's face .. this is more like you complaining that people are blowing smoke into your house..zhaowl88 wrote:If your neighbour don't like your face, can he sue you too ?? Ever heard of personal space ???JR8 wrote:Oh ok, if I'm following you then, it's ok if I smoke as that won't harm my children, but if my neighbour smokes then I'll sue him for damaging my child.
Your rights stops within your four walls .. maybe you are used to extending it all over the kampong Or maybe you are used to different laws ..Do I have that about right?
Yah, right - you are correct - but then again, did you know smoking damages your sperm count, and giving up doesn't fix it ?? there you go .. now can you say something .. (I am quoting you as your said you quit - Too late mate .. sad to say .. )If you really love your children and care about their health, you will quit or not smoke in front of them. That is the normal people thinking except those "special people". In other words, you will try your best to keep your child away those smoke....cos you yourself already sacrificing.
Example, if a person smoke and blow the smoke to your child and make your kid couge. Do you will be smile to him, say thank you so much OR angry and stare at him??
And somewhat akin to what some people used to do during those days when smoking was allowed in bars: some people go and stand near the guy smoking and then complain they don't like the smoke and the smoker should stop - and almost always the answer is for the guy who don't like the smoke to move away - though the latter will go on to say they like the place, because can see band etc etc ... And I even saw some guys being asked to leave, and go to places with non-smokers, if they dont like the smell .. ah- and now with the smoke rooms, one guy was picking a fight with another, as the latter had been in the smoke room, and the former didn't like the smell - damn - what is wrong with these people ??
Now, in your case, now tomorrow, if your other neighbour says he don't like your apartment smell, or your cooking smell - Pray, enlighten my feeble soul - how will you handle that ??
No sir, I am not arguing: just trying to understand your Newtonian Brain ..
PS: atleast you are entertaining enough to never answer any question directly .. were you a Public Relations person / Spin Doctor ???