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Dover Court

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Leaving london
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Post by Leaving london » Fri, 27 Apr 2012 5:44 am

Hi Hackerwell

Great to hear from you. My son is currently in Yr 1 and we are arriving next week. We are going to Dover ct too. Please can i ask how did you get the boys to start in the last term? they wouldnt let us start as were arriving 8 May so i have to wait until August!!! Do you think they'll reconsider if i beg? so my son will be starting in Y2 and currently would be in yr 1.

RE condos: Im going for the Mount Sinai area and I'm told its one of the last pickups before the couple of codos in that Dover area itself. I think heritage View is near Mt Sinai too and apparently its a hugely popular area for Dover Ct parents and new family expats? Does this sound right?

I do hope all the kids made your boys feel welcome and I'm looking forward to not seeing you at the school gates (We're going for the bus too!).

Leaving London VERY SOON!

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Post by RainyDaysandMondays » Sat, 28 Apr 2012 1:45 am

Thanks Makingthemove. Mine will be going into Yr 2 and Yr 4. I'm more excited than they are, I think!

We'll be on holiday so will arrive in Singapore literally on the last week of July. It's not ideal, I know. When we booked our summer holiday (in Nov), Singapore wasn't even on our radar :)

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Post by Makingthemove » Sat, 28 Apr 2012 2:32 am

Know how you feel. We booked Olympic tix for aug and I really feel committed to going, still, so we'll be flying in to Sing mid-Aug and straight into school 2 weeks later. I opted for a proper goodbye to the old school rather than a long run-up to the new life; hope I won't regret it!

One good thing is that my husband is now going earlier so will hopefully do a lot of groundwork to getting us settled.

Reading back down this thread I can't see many kids starting Y3 for my boy, but there are certainly plenty of newbies going into DC. I guess this transience is normal.

We're definitely more excited than our boy about coming over/starting new school but he's pretty laid back in general, and also it must be quite hard to get excited when, to him, August seems a lifetime away. To us it's all scarily close...

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Post by Hackerwill » Sat, 28 Apr 2012 6:39 am

Hi Leaving London

I don't know why we were allowed to start when we did. It might just be about numbers. We paid our registration over a year ago, but work issues delayed our move until April this year, so our places have been kept.

You could always try again. I know that 2 members of my youngest son's class (Year 1) have just left. Sam said that it had been explained that "it was a difficult world and sometimes hard for Daddys to keep working".

V. Sad. And a bit scary.

All I can say is that my 3 boys love the school and re making friends very quickly. You really don't need to be right beside the school. My own PERSONAL opinion was that Heritage and Dover condos were a bit tired.

We are in temporary apartments, while we search for a home, all the way over near Orchard Road (Treetops). the taxi/drive takes about 15 minutes. School bus takes about 35 minutes, but THEY LOVE IT.

Everything is easier and nicer than we expected. Groceries are expensive though.

Good luck

Leaving london
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Post by Leaving london » Sun, 29 Apr 2012 12:48 am

Thanks for the tip off hacker will

I'm going to email and see if anything has changed at all. Their interviews are 14 may so that would still mean 6 weeks of school left. Do you think they would feel a bit funny starting mid term or were they welcoming? Were they the only new ones in their classes or were there lots if newbies at thebsame time? I'm a bit scared of 4 months off school but I'm equally scared about them starting and feeling like a new bod.

What do you think?

Leaving London

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Post by Hackerwill » Sun, 29 Apr 2012 3:42 am

Hi Leaving London

I think they would be fine. New people are made a real fuss over. They're given a "Buddy" to look out for them and the children are excited when a new person joins them. yours will be made to feel very special.

Bare in mind that this is an expat community and people come and go.

It strikes me, from my own experience, that parents fret far more than children, who adapt very quickly.

You will probably have to pay for the full term though...

Leaving london
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Post by Leaving london » Mon, 30 Apr 2012 3:37 am

Thanks hacker will that's really reassuring. I have emailed Dover court although I think they'll probably still say no & it's better to start in August.

If that's the case I will be booking summer camps and lots of stuff to keep them entertained until August.

What's SAMs class like? My son will be in his year too in August. Is there 3 classes per year? What's the mix of nationalities like? Are there some cool little dudes in his class that he's made friends with already? All these questions ... Sorry!

Where did you move from?

Leaving London
Last edited by Leaving london on Fri, 22 Mar 2013 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Hackerwill » Mon, 30 Apr 2012 6:02 am

We also moved from London (Wandsworth).
There are two Year One classes, so every chance they will be in the same class and even if not they all play, eat etc at the same time. Sam has a really lovely Teacher. People are extremely welcoming (Sam had his first playdate after 3 days) and several Mothers have been trying to meet up with my wife already.

I think the school is about 50% British with many Australians, New Zealanders and the various mixed others (Koreans, Indians, French in his class). The school teaches and celebrates all the main cultures and religions.

There seems to be LOADS of options for summer camps, short term home school/ actvity options. You will be spoilt for choice. It really is more about prioritising time rather than finding options.

PM me if you need any specific info.

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Post by Travailes » Mon, 30 Apr 2012 12:41 pm

As a current parent (Years 2 and 7) I'm pretty sure the bus picks up from anywhere. The school has a transport office in the building so you just need to go and see them (Goh Transport from memory) to organise what you need. As said on here - very efficient with a 'bus auntie' on every one ensuring safety and good behaviour. Believe me - you get a call if junior has been up to no good. Ours get collected outside the house from a large estate off Farrer Rd at 7.30am and returned at 3.30pm. Couldn't be easier. Both have looked it from Day 1.
You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone gets to dance with the grim reaper.

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Post by twinkletoes0711 » Mon, 30 Apr 2012 2:43 pm

Firstly sorry for my double post!
It really is a great school and the teachers are all lovely as are the kids. New kids (certainly from about YR3 up) are given a class buddy who will look after them, show them round and make sure there is always someone on hand to play with. The kids just seem to get used to others coming and going and I'm sure they all remember their first day so make sure that they make others feel welcome.
On to condos. It is over a year since we moved from Heritage View so may have changed but I would say there are more long term residents there and students rather than families. The most popular choice from others that I know at the school is the Mount Sinai area. There are lots of condos around there and it's not far from the school. I know families at Ridgewood & The Marbella but there are lots of others. That may be a good place to start looking.
I hope it all goes well for everyone and again feel free to ask for any other advice.

Leaving london
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Post by Leaving london » Thu, 03 May 2012 7:39 am

Hi hacker will

I really do owe you one... He's starting there straight after his interview on 14th may if all goes according to plan. There was obviously room as those other boys left. My daughter still has ago wait till August but that's ok.

Please tell Sam to look out for Dylan. He is v nervous bout his first day and I have asked about the school bus too but I'm not sure whether there will be room. You were right they won't pro rata but we don't pay for the fees anyway. Do they swap match attack football cards or wwe cards or Pokemon or anything? Dylan loves a fad, thought it might be good if he was armed With the right make cards on his first day

Thanks again hacker will ...I'm so lucky you gave me the tip off it really will change my whole first few months in Singapore not worrying about entertaining my big boy

Leaving london

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Post by Hackerwill » Thu, 03 May 2012 9:37 am

Great news, Leaving London. Delighted it has worked out.

I will make sure that Sam looks out for new boy Dylan. It will make him feel important and helpful! Tell Dylan that all my boys were super nervous but had a fantastic first day with brand new best friends, all of whom were excited to meet new boys. Everyone remembers their first day at school.

Sam's teacher is Miss Smith, who he loves.

He is not really a big collector of cards (cheap parents...), so not sure about current currency!

Good luck on the big move


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Post by Makingthemove » Thu, 03 May 2012 2:23 pm

Hey, LL, that's great news, phew! Puts a whole new slant on your move out there, really exciting not to mention a relief in terms of the practicals.

Swap cards were banned from our school - too many little kids giving all theirs away one day and expecting them all back the next, and not 'getting it', and not being able to concentrate, and being upset. Perhaps we're just particularly rubbish at swap games at our school? :)

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Time's flying by!

Post by Pammy210 » Sat, 05 May 2012 6:23 am

OMG! Hi everyone, not been on here for a good few weeks and just been catching up with what everyone's being doing! Good Luck with your move Leaving London! Have just picked up your PM - thanks v much for the info, think I will have done enough posts to PM you back now! It's really good news that Dylan got a place earlier than expected at DC - will deffo make ur transition a bit less hectic, knowing he's getting a head start with making friends :) . Well I've been major busy sorting out house out, with workmen taking over (when they decide to turn up!) just sold the car too!

I will be coming to Sin for a week 1st June, perhaps we cld squeeze in a quick meet? I'm going to be looking for a condo and have everything crossed to find somewhere that ticks most of the boxes. Where did u opt for in the end?
Makin the Move - I read your thread re bus route, my you are so on it! I need to pull my finger out!! We will be getting a car so I am not going to fret about school bus just yet. Think I'll drop kids myself initially a see them settle and org the bus later, once I know where we're living. Well think I've made up for my long silence, will be sure to login more regularly now I'm home de-cluttering/watching sky planner - whoops! :oops:

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Post by RainyDaysandMondays » Sat, 05 May 2012 9:05 pm

Thanks Twinkletoes! Finding this thread so helpful and reassuring, thanks everyone! Don't know why I'm such a worry wart, when I *know* the children will make friends and they will enjoy their new school :)

Anyways, I've been busy scouring Singapore property websites. So we're thinking of condos in and around Dover and Mount Sinai, Holland Village, River Valley, West Coast and East Coast. Re: East Coast, it's on the other end of the island so don't know if it's doable.

Our plan is to view as many properties as we can during our 1st week there. We're also shipping our cat to Singapore so hoping to confirm an apartment before the end of his quarantine period. Well, that's the so called plan anyway!

The children's interviews in school will be in August.

By the way, my 8 year old plays football everyday during playtime. I promised him I'd find out if DC children do the same as well?

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