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by Grumpy77 » Fri, 07 Jan 2011 7:57 pm
I store the bike in the office and use a near-by gym. Buy a low-cost wardrobe from Ikea, a purpose designed hanging wardrobe, or even a large suit bag that hangs on the back of a door to hold a weeks worth of clothes. Most offices have a storage or filing room that you can use.
If you sign a bulk deal, a gym is far cheaper (~50-60/mo) that Bike Boutique. I was stunned at what they charged for a pretty rudimentary shower facility. Even without a long contract, you can bargain and get a good deal, haggle hard - play one off the other, don't cave in to the first deal they offer!
Not to slam BB, they have a good service for the crowd that rides high end bikes, but their selling point is a periodic clean and service. Do you really need to have your bike washed every week, sorry, I like my trusty old horse to look like it's been ridden hard. The local shop services it whenever I break or wear something out.
Ride safe.