Hi there
I am looking for a new helper and the former helper of a friend who has now left Singapore has been in the Philippines for a couple of years and is looking to come back.
If I employ her, does anyone have any recent experience of the issues of bringing her in? It is my understanding that there has been some recent changes at the Philippines end that make it harder than in the past. One agency has quoted me $1900 for the whole process. However, I can't get a straight answer as to why this should be.
Also does anyone know a good agency to take care of it who might have more manageable fees?
Lastly, I have had some other chance to employ others through personal recommendations and they have fallen through. If I decide to go to an agency, how do I pick a good one? I have been in Singapore for 5 years but I have rarely heard positive things about agencies and have done everything in the past through noticeboards or word of mouth.
All advice gratefully received!