You need to open separate accounts for your SP to properly manage it. The problem is one of intermingling of funds. This is often the biggest place that SP's get into trouble... it's not clear what is personal and what is business related when your clients write a check to 'John Doe' instead of 'John the Storyteller'. How do you explain to the IRAS that a check you received as 'John Doe' was for an old appliance you sold off, and not payment received for telling a story?Need_info wrote:Great. Thanks for the address info.
Now for the payments I receive, do I open a separate account? Cheque/cash? When do I start worrying about taxes?
I know I might be getting ahead of myself worrying about taxes when I haven't earned a cent yet, but I want to cover all aspects and not get stuck later.
lalancaster1 wrote:Yes, it OFFICIAL now!! In the mail today, I received my letter from MOM stating my sole-proprietorship was approved!!
And, to end the confusion over this paperwork and information quagmire, let me make some points:
-If you're a Dependent, you CAN open your own Sole-Proprietorship WITHOUT A *EXPLETIVE* ENTREPASS!!
-Register your business with ACRA first and pay the $65. Then, download the LOC from MOM
- it is NOT illegal to fill out your own LOC if you're on a Dependent Pass b/c I did it and was approved!
-your spouse DOES NOT need to sponsor your business if you're a Dependent-that's the whole point of being a sole-proprietor and signing your own letter of consent
-there is a difference between a company and a business and the ACRA operators aren't trained to answer questions about a sole-proprietorship (business). They are only trained to answer questions about an Entre-Pass. Don't waste your time asking. Instead, take your happy self to the MOM with your 7 documents, take a ticket and insist you need to go to the BLUE ROOM
-you do need to submit 6 additional documents along with your LOC when you send your paperwork to ACRA now (refer to my previous posts for info.)
-I have a contact name for a representative at ACRA should anyone need it (High-five to "Movingtosg" for this!!)
lalancaster1 wrote:Today, after an unsuccessful phone call to MOM-never was able to reach the lady "Movingtosg" told me about , I got frustrated and decided to go in person to MOM on Havelock Rd.
When you walk in, an assistant asks you what you're there for. I told her a Sole-Proprietorship and after giving her my FIN number, I was given a number to wait in the Q in the Orange Room (there are three different colored rooms). Just having a feeling I was not in the right room-probably b/c of all the incorrect advice I've been getting-I went to a man behind the information counter to see if he could contact the lady "Movingtosg" had given me. He couldn't get an answer either and confirmed I had the number right. Oh, well! Back to the waiting room.
So, after waiting AN HOUR-YES, YOU HEARD ME RIGHT- in the Orange Room, my number is called and I make my way up to the assistant ONLY TO BE TOLD THAT YES, I AM IN THE INCORRECT ROOM! IMAGINE THAT-MOM NOT GIVING THE RIGHT ADVICE. I am then guided to the Blue Room where I wait for about 20 minutes more.
FINALLY, my number is called and I get to talk to a Work Pass Manager in a small room. I tell him why I'm there, show him my paperwork, he asks if I'm a Dependent, I say yes and I explain all the paperwork I have brought. I then ask, "I can sign my own LOC as a Dependent, right?" He says, "Yes." So, there's you're answer for that. YES, YOU CAN SIGN YOUR OWN LOC AS A DEPENDENT FILING FOR A SOLE-PROPRIETORSHIP.
Now, I'm told it may take up to 3 weeks for approval, so we will see. Hopefully, like all other cases I've heard about, I'll be approved too.
As of now, here are the directions for applying for a Sole-Proprietorship given you're on a Dependent Pass:
1) Register your business name with ACRA and pay the $65 fee
2) Download and complete the LOC Form from MOM
3) Add the 6 other additional documents I mentioned in one of my earlier posts (the 6th was the signed written paragraph saying I was employing myself). I put my business logo on all forms
4) Make your way to MOM with your paperwork (or you can mail it) on Havelock, get a number and wait in the Blue Room to talk with a Work Pass Manager
5) Wait for a Response from MOM
I hope this helps!
Mahima Gupta wrote:Hi,
I cant seem to find the list of documents on the MOM website. I got the form. Could you pls report that list?
I also did not see a requirement for the logo or the stamp mentioned on the website. Would appreciate info about the same.
Thanks a ton!
lalancaster1 wrote:Today, after an unsuccessful phone call to MOM-never was able to reach the lady "Movingtosg" told me about , I got frustrated and decided to go in person to MOM on Havelock Rd.
When you walk in, an assistant asks you what you're there for. I told her a Sole-Proprietorship and after giving her my FIN number, I was given a number to wait in the Q in the Orange Room (there are three different colored rooms). Just having a feeling I was not in the right room-probably b/c of all the incorrect advice I've been getting-I went to a man behind the information counter to see if he could contact the lady "Movingtosg" had given me. He couldn't get an answer either and confirmed I had the number right. Oh, well! Back to the waiting room.
So, after waiting AN HOUR-YES, YOU HEARD ME RIGHT- in the Orange Room, my number is called and I make my way up to the assistant ONLY TO BE TOLD THAT YES, I AM IN THE INCORRECT ROOM! IMAGINE THAT-MOM NOT GIVING THE RIGHT ADVICE. I am then guided to the Blue Room where I wait for about 20 minutes more.
FINALLY, my number is called and I get to talk to a Work Pass Manager in a small room. I tell him why I'm there, show him my paperwork, he asks if I'm a Dependent, I say yes and I explain all the paperwork I have brought. I then ask, "I can sign my own LOC as a Dependent, right?" He says, "Yes." So, there's you're answer for that. YES, YOU CAN SIGN YOUR OWN LOC AS A DEPENDENT FILING FOR A SOLE-PROPRIETORSHIP.
Now, I'm told it may take up to 3 weeks for approval, so we will see. Hopefully, like all other cases I've heard about, I'll be approved too.
As of now, here are the directions for applying for a Sole-Proprietorship given you're on a Dependent Pass:
1) Register your business name with ACRA and pay the $65 fee
2) Download and complete the LOC Form from MOM
3) Add the 6 other additional documents I mentioned in one of my earlier posts (the 6th was the signed written paragraph saying I was employing myself). I put my business logo on all forms
4) Make your way to MOM with your paperwork (or you can mail it) on Havelock, get a number and wait in the Blue Room to talk with a Work Pass Manager
5) Wait for a Response from MOM
I hope this helps!
I am a tutor, and work from place to place. And MOM still asked me for 'Tenancy Agreement of the place where applicant is going to work at'.nutnut wrote:Put your home address, if you are working from place to place then you have no exact location.
That's what my wife did in a similar situation to you.
Businesses need to have a fixed address for the service of papers, tax documents, etc. Use your home address.echoyuqi wrote:I am a tutor, and work from place to place. And MOM still asked me for 'Tenancy Agreement of the place where applicant is going to work at'.nutnut wrote:Put your home address, if you are working from place to place then you have no exact location.
That's what my wife did in a similar situation to you.
Anyone had this issue before?
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