Hello All,
This forum has been a saving grace for me. Thanks to all who took the time to contribute their knowledge and experiences. Now it's time for me to pay it forward. Apologies for the length, but it's better to have more info than less.
My application was recently approved . I followed all the steps (particularily: wackyjaqy,processdriven, lalancaster1) outlined in this forum and dropped my application in the box inside MOM lobby on Havelock Rd. All in all, it took them 15 working days to process.
Below are a few points I'd like to add based on my experience with this process.
Once you have registered with ACRA, you will be issued with a NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION OF BUSINESS. On the top left hand corner it will say: Subject Transaction Notification (number) From: BIZFILE SYSTEM MESSAGE. I mistook this for my Business Profile as I wasn't issued anything else other than a receipt. I had a call from MOM requesting I email them the official Business Profile generated by ACRA ( which incidentally has the same info on it...go figure )
So if you don't immediately receive a page looking like (link below), you'll have to pay for one.
http://www.acra.gov.sg/uploadedFiles/Co ... sample.pdf
To get one just:
- Go to the ishop@acra page
https://www.psi.gov.sg/NASApp/tmf/TMFSe ... ue&AN=PP01
- Select Business Profile and do a search for your biz name
- Add to Cart
- On top left hand side you'll see your cart and sum of $5.50. Select Checkout, log in and complete the payment.
Please note, when they say to check your mailbox for email containing download hyperlink for this document ( you have 48 hours to download it), they don't mean your gmail etc. You have to actually log into your account in ACRA and download it from there. I suggest you print to PDF and save it on your pc as you will need it in the future (ie: setting up a bank account etc) and you wouldn't want to pay for it again.
One more thing. I did use a business stamp (I had one of those kits where you can make your own stamp using letters and tweezers) and I do recommend making a simple letterhead (doesn't have to be anything flashy) Since applications are approved based on merit, making it look as professional as possible will help.
Good luck to all who are going through this process.
P.S. Don't bother calling MOM for help about this, nobody seems to know this is even possible (just programmed to talk about Entre Passes and setting up PTY LTD's) nothing but frustration.