Of course not. Only westerners are allowed to make sweeping racist statements about Singaporeans.JR8 wrote:1) It wasn't 'convenient'. I just thought you were making sweeping racist statements about westerners that's all . And we wouldn't want that would we?
(Since we're having such a hard time understanding each other, I should point out that there was a wee bit of sarcasm there, and also that this sarcasm is in good-natured jest. And I'm not normally sarcastic except that I recall several of your posts being downright contemptuous of Singaporeans and while I find such an attitude silly rather than offensive, I assume that you can take as good as you give and so feel a certain licence to be ruder to you than I am to other posters, rightly or wrongly. If it's wrongly then I apologise.)
Well I was having a discussion too, until you said I had my gloves up and I had to explain that I'm not wearing said gloves. I fight bare-fisted the eastern kungfu way, unlike you western wimps who need gloves (cue JOKE!)JR8 wrote:I am not 'combating' you, I am having a discussion. I am not in the slightest bit offended, are you? You need to tell me WIMH if you're honestly antagonised by this kind of chat, as it confuses the hell out of me, and some of the mods it seems.
Confusing you is rather fun but in the interest of peace I should explain that in real life I tend towards non-confrontation which means that if I didn't like you I wouldn't even talk to you. So our discussion now is a very good sign (no joke, serious now).
Difference in values. You're more individualistic and place more value on the self (and I make no moral judgment on this observation) while others are more societal and place more value on the 'village'. Both attitudes suck and inspire in their own different ways.JR8 wrote:Having gone though it I can understand it, yes. But I still think all this 'pleasing the parents' stuff, put before seeking your own path and happiness, if I can use an Americanism, really sucks.