While you are waiting for someone who had had children in the respective schools to just "happen" to pop in and "happen" to read this thread, you might try my suggestion in the meantime. Who knows, you might even find the answer to your questions. Most questions here have already been asked and answered already. With regards to schools, however, opinions are always subjective. Nothing beats an exploratory trip and visits to the schools interested in to get a on the ground feel for them. I only know of one school here that has been more or less continually dissed as that is CIIS which fortunately you don't have on your shortlist anyway.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Funny enough, that's the only school they don't have on the list.
Anyway, links to the schools are on my links page if you need them (first column) but if you got the names correct then you've probably already been to their sites. If you type their names into this page's search function just under the "Profile" tab at the upper right side of the page, you can find numerous discussions of the various schools.
Hi Anzac and Aargonanzac74 wrote:Aargon,
I´d like to get more details on that local school. Can you PM me on that?
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