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by darthvader » Sun, 05 Dec 2010 3:41 pm
I read that this issue has been discussed ad nauseum on these forums but I couldn't find the specific question (answer) that I had in mind. (I would be happy if you could point in the direction too!)
In a year, I will be a graduate of a top 5 university and I was thinking of moving to Singapore via the Landed PR program because well, I have visited and I like what I see..
So, I was wondering if citizenship gained 2 years after Landed PR results in mandatory NS? ie, do foreign-born citizens (gained through LPR) do 2 years full-time NS or just serve a couple of weeks a year?
I also read that foreign born citizens do not get enrolled in NS. I am confused by this.
Please note that I have nothing against the NS, I think it is a great idea and only wish I had served before leaving home for college. But it doesn't make too much sense to me to start NS after college when I am trying to start my career. (My 2 cents)
Thanks a lot for your input and time. Much appreciated.
Mad Scientist
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by Mad Scientist » Sun, 05 Dec 2010 4:39 pm
darthvader wrote:I read that this issue has been discussed ad nauseum on these forums but I couldn't find the specific question (answer) that I had in mind. (I would be happy if you could point in the direction too!)
In a year, I will be a graduate of a top 5 university and I was thinking of moving to Singapore via the Landed PR program because well, I have visited and I like what I see..
So, I was wondering if citizenship gained 2 years after Landed PR results in mandatory NS? ie, do foreign-born citizens (gained through LPR) do 2 years full-time NS or just serve a couple of weeks a year?
The immigration policy changes worse that taking a bus. Currently based current climate to apply LPR will not be a good idea. Rejection is more than approval. Moreover you will be applying thru SMC i.e an appointed consultancy firm by ICA. You will have to pay fees for their service which DOES NOT mean your approval is accepted. All application will be based on its own merit. For argument sake if your approval is accepted that does not mean that you will gained citizenship in 2 years after LPR. It will take more years than that.
For your answer on NS, NO , you will not serve NS but your male child will.
I also read that foreign born citizens do not get enrolled in NS. I am confused by this.
You do not get enrolled. You will be drafted but on your case NO chance.
Please note that I have nothing against the NS, I think it is a great idea and only wish I had served before leaving home for college. But it doesn't make too much sense to me to start NS after college when I am trying to start my career. (My 2 cents)
Do not worry you are not in this category.
Thanks a lot for your input and time. Much appreciated.
The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.Yahoo !!!
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by darthvader » Sun, 05 Dec 2010 5:07 pm
Thanks so much for your reply.
A couple of follow up questions: why do you say that I will not have much chance of getting the Landed PR scheme now? I understand that you are a knowledge person (long-time reader).. I would appreciate your input.
Why - isn't it two years under accelerated scheme?
Thanks for your time.
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by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 05 Dec 2010 5:17 pm
Current waiting period for LPR to be approved is around 14 months (if it's approved at all). There's no guarantees that it will be even after paying SMC to process it. Of course the wait can be shorter or even longer. No telling any more.
Mad Scientist
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by Mad Scientist » Mon, 06 Dec 2010 3:10 am
darthvader wrote:Thanks so much for your reply.
A couple of follow up questions: why do you say that I will not have much chance of getting the Landed PR scheme now? I understand that you are a knowledge person (long-time reader).. I would appreciate your input.
It used to be sweet and rosy until the locals starts stamping their feet in rythms. There are many cases here and in other forums where the rejection was higher although their qualifications exceed the expectation required. SMC may said to you that you have good chance BUT that does not mean you will be approve. SMC only wants your $$$$
Why - isn't it two years under accelerated scheme?
How do you accelerated? Where did you find this from ?
There are many cases where one has to wait for 5 years just to get LTSVP (Long Term Social Visit Pass) not even a PR. There are many who applied LPR waited for more than 14 to 18 months with no knowledge of rejection nor approval. There are those who applied for Singapore Citizenship 2 yrs ago and has being rejected at least twice. Singapore Citizenship is by invitation NOT by application.
The only way you can get acceleration to my pea brain knowledge is if you have S$ 5 million and above and willing to invest or park your money here. If the gahmen finds that your money does not comes from the washing machine, you do not even have to do anything, they will send your SG PP and IC to your doorstep. This is ACCELERATION.
I am not sure if you fall into this category but if you do, go to www.ird.gov.sg and tell them what you intend to do.
They will guide you from there.
Thanks for your time.
The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.Yahoo !!!
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Thanks for your reply. Really appreciate it.
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