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Landlord Problems - What to do

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 03 Dec 2010 9:51 pm

Strong Eagle wrote:
JR8 wrote:I like your approach SE...

But also as a landlord I have to say I perhaps strangely rather enjoy getting these blunderbuss lawyers letters, and then ignoring them to see what happens next.

I will add that it has only happened twice in about 100 let/years. I think the downfall is that the lawyer is not briefed correctly, or... is just crap. So half of what they say is shite. Coupled with their full attack-dog style it can be amusing. Pity the punter paying them $200 an hour...

p.s. I do my own law and accounts for a reason 8-)
Yah... I tend to agree... I am a landlord as well. Then again, my philosophy is that a happy tenant pays the rent on time, and keeps the place up. So I work to ensure that my tenant is happy.

This LL doesn't seem to get that, and while people's willingness to confront vary, I'd be right in the middle of his face in a very large way.

You are also correct about 'blunderbuss' lawyers. The best letters are the ones that are on solid legal ground, pleasant, but with the unmistakable undercurrent of a serious legal threat.

Bad: We'll take you to court and squeeze your nuts off.

Good: My client wishes to work with you in a friendly and cooperative manner so that you can avoid the expense, aggravation, and loss of face that might occur should an escalation of remedies be necessary.

I don't know what the average stay of my tenants is. But one of them has been in situ for certainly 10+ years now. For a young prof in central London that is almost unheard of! So I can't be that bad can I?

It's simply that I don't like people who try and take the piss!

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