At the end of the day it all comes down to what is written in the lease. I agree with the OP that the spirit of the agreement would seem to be that works over $100 are not minor works. I mean if an internal wall collapses and costs $1500 to replace on what basis (excl negligence) should a tenant be contributing to it?ecureilx wrote:Yep, got that right .. and legally the landlord can say that ..Saint wrote:And that's where theory falls over, there isn't any law that governs what is the required amount has to be returned. By pissing off the LL by sending him a solicitor's letter over such a trival matter means when you move out he will go over the place with a fine tooth pick and deduct costs for literally everything from your deposit.
Me saw a friend who's landlord whacked half the deposit under the pretext of steam / chemical cleaning of the toilet + Kitchen and when disputed - the landlord proceeded to produce pictures of spanking new kitchen + Toilet to compare with the status the tenant left it .. when the tenant said he will pay for the cleaning - the landlords' answer was as expected "NO, I ENGAGE MY CONTRACTOR TO DO A GOOD JOB - NOT YOUR THAILAND WORKER" And a weekend of scrubbing etc. etc. still had moved no mountain - the landlord discovered dirt between the gaps in the tiles and declared that only a chemical wash will clean it .. and proceeded to declare the aircon as not maintained as per agreement etc. etc. ..
Want more horror stories on landlords holding back part of the deposit ?? I can pen a few ..
re: Cleaning. Oh don't get me going on this, as a landlord I can relay some choice anecdotes. Suffice it to say that it is not that uncommon for tenants to think they can do a 'move-out clean' on their own and save some money. But what happens is that some bits are ok, and several bits are still a mess. Now, a landlord or cleaning company are not going to then come in and specify 1) clean the bathroom grout in the shower 2) clean limescale on the back of the toilet pans etc., you have to get the cleaners in to do a 'full professional clean' [at the tenants expense] as that is how works are specified/quoted, which is what they should have done in the first place. I even had a tenant on the equivalent of c.S$350k.p/a try that one on only a year or two back.
My advice would be to get the landlord, or landlords agent to recommend the cleaning company to be used. (Never attempt it yourself, as you will never approach the levels of work that professional cleaners will). Then you should not only get a genuinely good job done, but the landlord/agent will have minimal leverage to get shirty come check-out day since they recommended them in the first place.
p.s. To the OP. Yes it is possible you have made your landlord lose-face and he is going to get pay-back with your deposit. When you come to move out, I'd suggest it be made clear that you are not leaving Singapore (even if you are), as if he thinks you're leaving in say a week or two it could be harder than if he thinks you will still be in-country and able to take action against him.