Nice to see such a lively forum!...

We are planning to move to Singapore during next year and we are facing the big dilemma on how/when to bring our dog. Even more pressing: will we have conditions for her to guarantee the quality of life she has here? She's a Labrador Retriever, generally well behaved and trained (by myself and school) and you can imagine we will be totally heart broken if we have to leave her here (in Portugal). Well, we've been hearing that it will be too hard, etc. finding questions that have been haunting us. Namely:
- Housing (how hard is it to find a house with suitable space for everyone that is not extremely expensive?)
- Health issues (the trip is really long... Singapore is hot)
- Play (how many places do we have to walk her and play - she LOVES to swim... - freely without breaking rules?)
- Boarding when we are away from Singapore (how much will we spend overall for a month stay in a pet housing, for example? Yes, I saw this part on the forum, but are there any extras? How much do people spend overall?)
- Transportation (is it really true that we need to rent a car to get out with our pet?)
- Flight (how expensive is it to bring a dog?)
- Food (how expensive is it in Singapore?)
I'm REALLY sorry if all of these questions are answered already in the forum. I'm sure they are, so I only ask you to send me the links...

In any case, we really look forward to have people sharing their similar experiences with us...