I do the other way round everyday, although I drive and enjoy it. A good place for you to live if you dont want the commute would be around the west coast park- there are quite a few very nice condos there. Also, you will find plenty of greenery, open space & seaview here.rickjames wrote:Most of my Singaporean friends are telling me that living on the East coast (like in Marine Parade) and commuting to work on the West coast (around Science Park or NTU) is way too long. But I wonder, is it really that bad??
I'm used to a 45- 1 hour one way-commute already (and that's without traffic) in Shanghai, so I wonder if what I consider to be a pain (in terms of distance/time) is very different to what most Singaporeans consider to be a pain.
Also after Shanghai, I'm craving greenery, foliage, nature etc..not trendy cafes or shopping (my local friends suggest River Valley, etc because of cafes, shopping etc) but Marine Parade seems even nicer to me. What does everyone think?
Thank you!!!!
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