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Living around AMK, and need to find sports buddy

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Living around AMK, and need to find sports buddy

Post by AliciaCC » Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:17 am

HI, there,

I have been moved to SG from US for over 1yr and a half already, recently moved from orchard to AMK area because of job changing. I m 24, LOVE all sports, played a bit basketball (havent touch it for yrs tho), and learned a bit tennis (the basic basic level). since my current condo has great facilities (Grandeur 8), i would more than happy to pick them up. I love to run, crosstraining at the gym, wakeboarding, swiming etc. i wasnt very motivative these days so I am trying to find any bootcamp around AMK or workout/game buddys; and on the other hand, friends who know where the great food is as well.

please email me at [email protected] or FB me (alicia chen, ASU network) if you happened to live around the corner.

:) Alicia

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