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Job in Marketing/Advertising - how big my chances are?

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Job in Marketing/Advertising - how big my chances are?

Post by Evgeniya » Fri, 22 Oct 2010 5:36 am

Hi all,

I'm considering moving to Singapore and now trying to estimate my chances for getting a good job there as this is a crucial factor influencing my decision. It would be great if you could share your thoughts with me in regards with this.

Very briefly about my background. I have Bachelor's degree in Marketing and Foreign Languages obtained in university in Russia. For the last 2 years I've been working in European Headquarters of a big American IT company in Dublin, Ireland as an account manager (worked with online advertisers). Before that I used to work as an account manager in advertising agency in Russia. My English is fluent and I have some experience dealing with Aisian clients from the past.

I would mostly be looking for a position in marketing, advertising or sales.

Probably worth mentioning that I'm planning to be in Singapore on a Dependant Pass, which my husband's company will apply for.

How big do you think my chances are? Will appreciate any advice here!

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Post by madura » Fri, 22 Oct 2010 12:13 pm

How much do you expect to be paid?

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Post by BillyB » Fri, 22 Oct 2010 1:23 pm

Singapore can be an extremely difficult Country in which to secure employment if you live outside the Country. There is an abundance of local staff (Not necessarily talented but still masses of choice) so to take a risk on a foreigner is beyond the remit of most organisations.

Once you arrive and are in the Country, I would imagine that you will find it 'easier' as companies will be more tolerant from a logistical point of view. I.e less risk and less costly to employ you.

I would certainly look to pinpoint a specific sector in relation to your skill set, rather than adopt a scatter gun approach to the sales and marketing industry. It looks so obvious when candidates appear almost desperate to secure something and fire their CV's out en masse.

Try to ensure your CV reflects that you do a limited number of skills very, very, very well, as opposed to a large number of skills quite well.

Also get networking and check the jobsites such as - which lists all the postings from a number of general jobsites.

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Post by Evgeniya » Sat, 23 Oct 2010 8:04 pm

2madura I'm getting 60-70K SGD a year in Dublin, and would be reluctant to go down in salary in Singapore.

2BillyB Excellent point about CV, thanks for advice! As for looking for a job from outside of Singapore, I tried to send out my CV while I'm still in Ireland and got 0 response from employers, so can see what you described in practice. I'm just hoping that location is the true reason for that, not lack of jobs or general reluctance of employers to hire foreigners.

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Post by ksl » Sat, 23 Oct 2010 10:38 pm

Evgeniya wrote:2madura I'm getting 60-70K SGD a year in Dublin, and would be reluctant to go down in salary in Singapore.

2BillyB Excellent point about CV, thanks for advice! As for looking for a job from outside of Singapore, I tried to send out my CV while I'm still in Ireland and got 0 response from employers, so can see what you described in practice. I'm just hoping that location is the true reason for that, not lack of jobs or general reluctance of employers to hire foreigners.
On a dependant pass it is highly unlikely you would be offered so much, you would get the chance of a local rate, plus bonus, much depending on your experience and ability to earn your keep, within the probational 3 months especially on the sales side of it.

I believe many employers here have a high turnovers of staff until they find the right candidates, if you perform well you can earn well its that simple.

Though its pretty obvious you will not have the experience dealing with the majority here, which is 75% Chinese.

So my 2cents is you will have opportunities on the letter of consent for DP holders, but get used to the idea of the local rate which can be 2500 upwards. Produce the goods and reach targets and you can be soon on 60 to 70k.

I'm just trying to be realistic, the ball is in your park, if you can play the game and score, you get rewarded but not carried.

Though if you can get with a MNC, life maybe easier, but not with new developing business.

There are literally hundreds of locals with the same qualification plus they know the market here, so you are having to compete in a local pool, I was going to say no special treatment for you, but in fact there is, and that is you are entitled to work on a DP with only a letter of consent from MOM, if the other half applies for PR status you lose the DP, and go over to LTSVP and are not allowed to work unless you get PR at the same time.

With regards to skills as mentioned above, the SM business are only interested in revenue growth, so new accounts is what its all about, not servicing what others have built any local can do that on 2000$ + a month plus bonus.

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Re: Job in Marketing/Advertising - how big my chances are?

Post by madura » Sun, 24 Oct 2010 10:15 am

Evgeniya wrote:For the last 2 years I've been working in European Headquarters of a big American IT company in Dublin, Ireland as an account manager (worked with online advertisers). Before that I used to work as an account manager in advertising agency in Russia. My English is fluent and I have some experience dealing with Aisian clients from the past.

I would mostly be looking for a position in marketing, advertising or sales.
Are you keen in digital media sales? Are you familiar with ad-serving systems like doubleclick, atlas? If yes, you have skills that are not easily found here.

There are many openings for digital media sales which the local manpower is unable to fill, but 60-70k is a very tough call.

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Re: Job in Marketing/Advertising - how big my chances are?

Post by Evgeniya » Mon, 25 Oct 2010 7:15 pm

madura wrote:Are you keen in digital media sales? Are you familiar with ad-serving systems like doubleclick, atlas? If yes, you have skills that are not easily found here.
I am interested in digital media indeed. I know adwords inside out, am familiar with doubleckick, not atlas though.

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Re: Job in Marketing/Advertising - how big my chances are?

Post by Clivechia » Fri, 07 Aug 2015 8:21 pm

So how its goes in the end?

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