I gave up helping anyone this way...
I am receiving quite often similar requests to my company's email and the attitude is exactly like here
Anyway just pm me or email me
or "call me". People/students are asking for a favor, but they expect we are going to take the extra effort to call them/text them/email them/fill in questionnaires and at the end they do not show up on time to pick up surveys (I've distributed couple of times questionnaires among my clients, it took my time, their time and effort), they do not say "thank you" and they do indeed make such assumptions like "only mummy can change the diaper", "you may only use or not use cloth diaper"...
It really irritates me. They need it for their projects or even thesis and expect everyone to happily help them without making any effort on their side

I know I am generalizing now, but honestly it really scares me what kind of graduates they will be. I've had a short talk in one of the colleges recently and what really took my breath away was the question asked by one of the students. She has asked me (outside speaker, just a guest, somebody not directly related to her course or school) if she will graduate with a bachelor (because I've said that to become X one must first obtain the bachelor degree). Hello

She is pursuing her studies and does not know what degree (if any) she will get at the end???