katespade girl wrote:Hi blessedrekyo,
May i ask what is CG? so we need to buy the neccessary garment to kind of tightening our skin? I can order fr the website that u posted?
So other than swelling n bruises, is the result permanent?
What i meant is after yr operation, u can finally see 7kg weight loss and inches lost? Do u need to exercise or control yr diet after that?
So yr weight n size is dropped permanently?
So when the fat is being sucked out, will the skin become loose and look flabby?
so the result will only be more obvious after 3 mths?
I m not married yet and is worried that i might put on weight again after giving birth. should i wait till i gave birth to do it or it will not affect much if i were to give birth in future?
So may i know whats yr size now?
Hi katespade girl
CG stands for Compression Garment.
It helps to improves blood circulation,
minimizes any swelling that remains, accelerates the healing process, and allows the patient to return to daily routines sooner. This compression garment also provides support to surgical areas for more comfort and helps the skin fit better to it new contours. In addition to being designed for skin retracting and body shaping, this garment is made to be particularly comfortable for long-term wear too.
Yes you may order from
http://www.makemeheal.com/mmh/product/l ... s/index.vm
The result is not permanent if you still continue to eat unhealthily. But all I can say is, it does not bounce back so easily.

And yes, after 1 year or rather 11 months later, I am down with total 7 kgs.
Frankly, I did not exercise at all leh…

Hahaha… But I did control my diet.
After seeing the fats being drawn out, & going through so much aches & soreness, I doubt you will want to put back those fats into ur body.

So "automatically", you will avoid oily & fried food.
Yes, my skin around my inner thigh & tummy have became flabby & that is why till now I still wear my CG.

It looks much better now as I continue to wear those CG to help mould back my body. I might need to buy some smaller size CGs now, cos all the existing CGs have became so loose ler...
As for your last question, that depend on urself.
Note: If you are slim & consider 'perfect' figure, do not expect to see too much difference in size.
I was above 70kgs & petite in size.
Hence, my difference was very obvious.