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Liposuction with Dr. Pichet in Bangkok, anyone interested?

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katespade girl
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Post by katespade girl » Thu, 03 Nov 2011 12:52 am

Hi blessedrekyo,

May i ask what is CG? so we need to buy the neccessary garment to kind of tightening our skin? I can order fr the website that u posted?
So other than swelling n bruises, is the result permanent?
What i meant is after yr operation, u can finally see 7kg weight loss and inches lost? Do u need to exercise or control yr diet after that?
So yr weight n size is dropped permanently?
So when the fat is being sucked out, will the skin become loose and look flabby?
so the result will only be more obvious after 3 mths?
I m not married yet and is worried that i might put on weight again after giving birth. should i wait till i gave birth to do it or it will not affect much if i were to give birth in future? :?

So may i know whats yr size now?


katespade girl
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Post by katespade girl » Thu, 03 Nov 2011 2:21 am

urban mommy wrote:I'm interested of doing lipo too anyone want to go together? :D

R u still interested to do the Lipo? I am very keen too. We can discuss and go together if u want :)

katespade girl
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Post by katespade girl » Thu, 03 Nov 2011 2:26 am

Hmd wrote:
bao wrote:Not much different till now, no "WOW WOW" kind of feeling yet. Hopefully like what blessedrekyo had said, at least 2 weeks to see the diff. May be I am too anxious to see the changes.

How are you now? it is almost 2 weeks right now, any significant change? Any drop in size or weight?

Knowing that you are slim.... but what your body size?
Yea, me too. Maybe I am the easily swollen type till my feet and hands swelled like a pregnant lady :lol: . Now, still blue black - very difficult to tell. Immediately after coming back from BKK, I went to buy compression garment and I have to wear XS. What is your size?

Hi Hmd,

I read about your successful story about Lipo. May i know what was yr weight and height b4 teh surgery and now?
What is yr previous size and now after more than 3 yrs?
Do u still have your CG?
I am very keen to do the lipo and is not raelly overweight but just that i am very short at 156 cm with 55kg. Thats why my arms, hips, tummy and buttocks look very big for a small frame or mine :(

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Post by blessedrekyo » Thu, 03 Nov 2011 4:05 pm

katespade girl wrote:Hi blessedrekyo,

May i ask what is CG? so we need to buy the neccessary garment to kind of tightening our skin? I can order fr the website that u posted?
So other than swelling n bruises, is the result permanent?
What i meant is after yr operation, u can finally see 7kg weight loss and inches lost? Do u need to exercise or control yr diet after that?
So yr weight n size is dropped permanently?
So when the fat is being sucked out, will the skin become loose and look flabby?
so the result will only be more obvious after 3 mths?
I m not married yet and is worried that i might put on weight again after giving birth. should i wait till i gave birth to do it or it will not affect much if i were to give birth in future? :?

So may i know whats yr size now?

Hi katespade girl

CG stands for Compression Garment. ;)

It helps to improves blood circulation, minimizes any swelling that remains, accelerates the healing process, and allows the patient to return to daily routines sooner. This compression garment also provides support to surgical areas for more comfort and helps the skin fit better to it new contours. In addition to being designed for skin retracting and body shaping, this garment is made to be particularly comfortable for long-term wear too. :)

Yes you may order from ... s/index.vm

The result is not permanent if you still continue to eat unhealthily. But all I can say is, it does not bounce back so easily. :)
And yes, after 1 year or rather 11 months later, I am down with total 7 kgs.
Frankly, I did not exercise at all leh… :oops: Hahaha… But I did control my diet.
After seeing the fats being drawn out, & going through so much aches & soreness, I doubt you will want to put back those fats into ur body. :P
So "automatically", you will avoid oily & fried food. ;)

Yes, my skin around my inner thigh & tummy have became flabby & that is why till now I still wear my CG. ;)
It looks much better now as I continue to wear those CG to help mould back my body. I might need to buy some smaller size CGs now, cos all the existing CGs have became so loose ler... :D

As for your last question, that depend on urself. :)

Note: If you are slim & consider 'perfect' figure, do not expect to see too much difference in size.
I was above 70kgs & petite in size.
Hence, my difference was very obvious. :D

katespade girl
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Post by katespade girl » Tue, 08 Nov 2011 1:19 am

Hi Blessedrekyo

How long do u need to wear teh CG? Must wear it everyday, 24hrs?
So it takes aroun d 2-3mths to really see result? IF i wear teh CG for 2-3 mths, my body will be sculpt to a firmer and nicer shape?

Are u still keen to do flanks? I am thinking of doing it this month but is looking for a company :)

Thank you so much for all your sharings...

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Post by blessedrekyo » Tue, 08 Nov 2011 9:54 am

katespade girl wrote:Hi Blessedrekyo

How long do u need to wear teh CG? Must wear it everyday, 24hrs?
So it takes aroun d 2-3mths to really see result? IF i wear teh CG for 2-3 mths, my body will be sculpt to a firmer and nicer shape?

Are u still keen to do flanks? I am thinking of doing it this month but is looking for a company :)

Thank you so much for all your sharings...
After my op, i wore the CG almost 24/7 and removed them when I need to bath only.
I bought the brand - Rainey - for my CG and the material is very comfortable. So I am ok wearing it till now, except for my arm CG. :)
I'm used to wearing it anyway. :D

2-3 mths depending on individual & age, I guessed.
If you are young and skin are flexible, i guessed very fast u will be able to firm back your shape bah... ?

I will not be doing my back & the rest yet cos I still need to save $$. Hehe...

katespade girl
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Lipo with Dr Pichet

Post by katespade girl » Wed, 09 Nov 2011 7:03 pm

Janetyeo76 wrote:Hi Jazzbunny...

Have you returned to Singapore yet? I am really eager to hear your sharing as I am going in Dec this year, also with Dr Pichet...

Hi blessedrekyo,

I wanted to get the CG for my arms and bodysuit, I am around XXL I think... Are you selling yours? So first stage should be our current size or one size down... Quite confused actually...

Hi Janet,

Have u done yr Lipo with Dr Pichet? I m very keen to do it as well and is looking for someone to do it together. Can u reply me when is yr treatment? :D

katespade girl
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Lipo with Dr Pichet

Post by katespade girl » Wed, 09 Nov 2011 8:28 pm

huinee wrote:Hi blessedrekyo

All the best! Hope you could keep us posted of the visit and outcome in November. But I was just wondering how did you decide to go to Dr Pichet? I've been scouring the net for a reliable plastic surgeon in BKK, but I guess I'm a typical timid person who doesn't want to travel away from home and not knowing if there's anyone to care for me after the procedure.

And yes I am still searching :) because I plan to have my tummy done next year. Now I'm torn between doing a vaser in SG and a lipo in BKK -_-"
Hi huinee,

R u still interested in doing Lipo with Dr Pichet? I m very keen to do it and is looking for a company. It will be great if we can go together :)

katespade girl
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Post by katespade girl » Mon, 14 Nov 2011 7:43 pm

blessedrekyo wrote:
katespade girl wrote:Hi Blessedrekyo

How long do u need to wear teh CG? Must wear it everyday, 24hrs?
So it takes aroun d 2-3mths to really see result? IF i wear teh CG for 2-3 mths, my body will be sculpt to a firmer and nicer shape?

Are u still keen to do flanks? I am thinking of doing it this month but is looking for a company :)

Thank you so much for all your sharings...
After my op, i wore the CG almost 24/7 and removed them when I need to bath only.
I bought the brand - Rainey - for my CG and the material is very comfortable. So I am ok wearing it till now, except for my arm CG. :)
I'm used to wearing it anyway. :D

2-3 mths depending on individual & age, I guessed.
If you are young and skin are flexible, i guessed very fast u will be able to firm back your shape bah... ?

I will not be doing my back & the rest yet cos I still need to save $$. Hehe...

Hi Blessedryko,

So did u lose alot of inches? Whats the size u r wearing now? Actually i was considering of Dr Pichet until BBK is still in flood. Then i chanced upon dr Arthur and looked through his profiel and post op pic of patients. I have to say he is doign a great job for all of them but the prices are alittle too high. eg. when i wanna do my arms, i have to do 3 parts to get the perfect shape n scuplt. What abt Dr Pichet? If i do my tummy, is he just doing teh upper, lower, flanks and back as well?

Cheers :)

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Re: Lipo with Dr Pichet

Post by Janetyeo76 » Fri, 25 Nov 2011 11:40 pm

katespade girl wrote:
Janetyeo76 wrote:Hi Jazzbunny...

Have you returned to Singapore yet? I am really eager to hear your sharing as I am going in Dec this year, also with Dr Pichet...

Hi blessedrekyo,

I wanted to get the CG for my arms and bodysuit, I am around XXL I think... Are you selling yours? So first stage should be our current size or one size down... Quite confused actually...

Hi Janet,

Have u done yr Lipo with Dr Pichet? I m very keen to do it as well and is looking for someone to do i together. Can u reply me when is yr treatment? :D
Hi katespade girl

I have not done it yet but I have made booking with pichet already.

I will be doing on 12 march 2012.

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Post by blessedrekyo » Mon, 02 Jan 2012 9:01 am

katespade girl wrote:
Hi Blessedryko,

So did u lose alot of inches? Whats the size u r wearing now? Actually i was considering of Dr Pichet until BBK is still in flood. Then i chanced upon dr Arthur and looked through his profiel and post op pic of patients. I have to say he is doign a great job for all of them but the prices are alittle too high. eg. when i wanna do my arms, i have to do 3 parts to get the perfect shape n scuplt. What abt Dr Pichet? If i do my tummy, is he just doing teh upper, lower, flanks and back as well?

Cheers :)
I have lost around 2" for my waist but thigh was alot. You may refer to my pictures posted in a few pages back on this forum. :)
Hope you have a great body in this new year!

Happy New Year to all... :D 8-)

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Done with my lipo with Dr Pichet

Post by Janetyeo » Mon, 12 Mar 2012 1:31 pm

Hi All

Just an update that I have finally done my lipo with Dr Pichet...

Arrived on 10 Mar and after all the filling up of forms, the brief straight to the point meeting with Dr Pichet, we were brought to our room to prepare for our surgery...

They assign a nurse who will take care of your needs and help you prepare for your surgery... Put on IV, draw blood for test and take all the pre ops pics and make markings for lipo... It was a pretty long wait until it was my turn... Nervous and excited... I walked into the surgical room... I see all the nurses and personnels in green... I was told to lie down on the surgical bed, and they start strapping me up... Then came a good looking anaethecian who explain the procedures to me... And just minutes later, I was unconscious... When I resume consciousness, I was already back in my room bundled up all over... It is done... ;)

I was so sleepy and could not open my eyes... But I had not much pain then... The nurses there were really taking good care of me, fed me water, mushroom soup and medicine... We stayed in the clinic for one night... During that night, a nurse was assigned to stay with us...

The next day, the nurses helped to change us, removed the IV and help me put on my arm CG... I was feeling giddy and nauseated and because of that Dr Pichet came in to see me and wanted to put me back on IV which I rejected so he gave me oral medications instead and kept me to rest for another few hours before sending us back to our hotel...

We had so much pain yesterday which the painkillers did not seem to help reduce the pain... I sent email to dr Pichet at 5am and he replied me saying that he would get Ms Tak to arrange sending us a stronger painkiller and the painkiller came at 10am...

Now we are still resting in the hotel and tml Dr Pichet will send someone to pick us at 2pm to go to his clinic for review...

For the service Dr Pichet and his staffs had provided to us, we all felt that it is 6 stars service and care...

For the pain of liposuction, it is really painful and sore... Shopping would be quite difficult... We will be leaving on Wednesday and not sure if we can do some shopping before we leave... So far the strongest painkiller I have taken does not really have great effect... My bruising in my arms are quite bad and my thighs hurt terribly... Will update again...

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Post by blessedrekyo » Tue, 13 Mar 2012 11:47 am

Janetyeo wrote:Hi All

Just an update that I have finally done my lipo with Dr Pichet...

Arrived on 10 Mar and after all the filling up of forms, the brief straight to the point meeting with Dr Pichet, we were brought to our room to prepare for our surgery...

They assign a nurse who will take care of your needs and help you prepare for your surgery... Put on IV, draw blood for test and take all the pre ops pics and make markings for lipo... It was a pretty long wait until it was my turn... Nervous and excited... I walked into the surgical room... I see all the nurses and personnels in green... I was told to lie down on the surgical bed, and they start strapping me up... Then came a good looking anaethecian who explain the procedures to me... And just minutes later, I was unconscious... When I resume consciousness, I was already back in my room bundled up all over... It is done... ;)

I was so sleepy and could not open my eyes... But I had not much pain then... The nurses there were really taking good care of me, fed me water, mushroom soup and medicine... We stayed in the clinic for one night... During that night, a nurse was assigned to stay with us...

The next day, the nurses helped to change us, removed the IV and help me put on my arm CG... I was feeling giddy and nauseated and because of that Dr Pichet came in to see me and wanted to put me back on IV which I rejected so he gave me oral medications instead and kept me to rest for another few hours before sending us back to our hotel...

We had so much pain yesterday which the painkillers did not seem to help reduce the pain... I sent email to dr Pichet at 5am and he replied me saying that he would get Ms Tak to arrange sending us a stronger painkiller and the painkiller came at 10am...

Now we are still resting in the hotel and tml Dr Pichet will send someone to pick us at 2pm to go to his clinic for review...

For the service Dr Pichet and his staffs had provided to us, we all felt that it is 6 stars service and care...

For the pain of liposuction, it is really painful and sore... Shopping would be quite difficult... We will be leaving on Wednesday and not sure if we can do some shopping before we leave... So far the strongest painkiller I have taken does not really have great effect... My bruising in my arms are quite bad and my thighs hurt terribly... Will update again...
Thanks for updating babe!
Wow u hv accompany traveling tgt wz you?! You mentioned "us" & it is great to know u all are safely done wz ur lipo!

Wonder did u take SinEech before & after ur lipo? It helps alot to reduce those bruises. :)

Do rmbr not to eat those food I've mentioned earlier on.

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Post by Janetyeo » Wed, 14 Mar 2012 12:20 am

Hi Rekyo

Yes... My friend came along with me and did lipo too... She also said that Dr Pichet and team provided 6 stars services you can't find anywhere else...

We took Sineech but our bruises still quite bad...

What are the food we cannot eat? I couldn't find your earlier post on this...

Anyway, I am leaving BKK tml Le... Did manage to do some shopping yesterday and today at platinum and MBK... But have to keep resting throughout the shopping... The pain was actually bearable...

Can I ask, is it normal to be much bigger after lipo than before lipo? Dr says it is because of the swelling... But I wonder how long will the swelling last? I am already in Day 4 but the swell seems worse than yesterday... Just wanna make sure I can fit into my clothings to go to work...

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Re: Update

Post by blessedrekyo » Wed, 14 Mar 2012 9:53 am

Janetyeo wrote:Hi Rekyo

Yes... My friend came along with me and did lipo too... She also said that Dr Pichet and team provided 6 stars services you can't find anywhere else...

We took Sineech but our bruises still quite bad...

What are the food we cannot eat? I couldn't find your earlier post on this...

Anyway, I am leaving BKK tml Le... Did manage to do some shopping yesterday and today at platinum and MBK... But have to keep resting throughout the shopping... The pain was actually bearable...

Can I ask, is it normal to be much bigger after lipo than before lipo? Dr says it is because of the swelling... But I wonder how long will the swelling last? I am already in Day 4 but the swell seems worse than yesterday... Just wanna make sure I can fit into my clothings to go to work...
Yes it is very normal as we will tends to swell at least a few weeks. :)
Mine almost a month but bruises were gone in a few days!
Food to avoid are duck, yam, dark soya sauce, wantan noodle as they might use pig head to boil the soup. A few months down d road, u will be happy to see the results le! :D

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