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Liposuction with Dr. Pichet in Bangkok, anyone interested?

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Post by bao » Thu, 12 May 2011 10:31 am

Not much different till now, no "WOW WOW" kind of feeling yet. Hopefully like what blessedrekyo had said, at least 2 weeks to see the diff. May be I am too anxious to see the changes.

How are you now? it is almost 2 weeks right now, any significant change? Any drop in size or weight?

Knowing that you are slim.... but what your body size?

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Post by Hmd » Thu, 12 May 2011 9:59 pm

bao wrote:Not much different till now, no "WOW WOW" kind of feeling yet. Hopefully like what blessedrekyo had said, at least 2 weeks to see the diff. May be I am too anxious to see the changes.

How are you now? it is almost 2 weeks right now, any significant change? Any drop in size or weight?

Knowing that you are slim.... but what your body size?
Yea, me too. Maybe I am the easily swollen type till my feet and hands swelled like a pregnant lady :lol: . Now, still blue black - very difficult to tell. Immediately after coming back from BKK, I went to buy compression garment and I have to wear XS. What is your size?

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Post by bao » Fri, 13 May 2011 9:40 pm

where you get your compression garment ( CG)?

I am using second hand veronique size XS for arm. Size S for thigh same brand.

I also placed order through makemeheal website to get extra set for arms but bought rainer brand coz cheaper compared to veronique.

What are the CG you have? did you prepare extra pair? I was putting on XS for thigh but unbreathable coz my tummy not as small to squeeze in although leg can endour. so my XS veronique is kind of waste :( now using those japanase cheapo brand "nu ren wo ju da" as alternative CG

How about you? any alternative solution?

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Post by Hmd » Sat, 14 May 2011 10:45 pm

bao wrote:where you get your compression garment ( CG)?

I am using second hand veronique size XS for arm. Size S for thigh same brand.

I also placed order through makemeheal website to get extra set for arms but bought rainer brand coz cheaper compared to veronique.

What are the CG you have? did you prepare extra pair? I was putting on XS for thigh but unbreathable coz my tummy not as small to squeeze in although leg can endour. so my XS veronique is kind of waste :( now using those japanase cheapo brand "nu ren wo ju da" as alternative CG

How about you? any alternative solution?
I bought it from a shop in KL - marena brand. The smallest dat they have is XS.. They said i might have to order XXS from the States.. make me so happy :D

Guess they are right as it seems to be getting more and more loose.. going to order for XXS from the website.. hmm... is it bocz i have de-swelled or getting thinner.. anyway, as long as i am loosing all those spare tyres, i m happy enuf liao... Hope to see the WOW effect soon.. Yuppie!!!

and yes, veronique is more expensive compared to others... maybe bcoz the quality is better?! From the website, it seems veronique design is nicer lol..

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Post by yukiari » Thu, 26 May 2011 5:40 pm

blessedrekyo wrote:
yukiari wrote:hi I am interested too.. maybe we can find info together?
Hi Yukiari

I'm done with my Lipo. How's urs?

I did not post my buttock here cos I Pai Say (shy) la... hahaha... :oops:
But I guess these photos are enough to prove, my surgeon's, Dr.Pichet, skills. Now hoping to see better result after 6 months.

Now, I'm thinking whether should I go for a tummy tuck or not... :???:
Anyone can advice on Tummy Tuck? :?
i chicken out.. ended up I only went for dentist hahaha.. guess maybe it will be better if i go with someone

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Post by pclip » Sun, 29 May 2011 10:37 am

hi girls,

thanks for the valuable info and tips.

i've decided to do a lipo (arms, tummy and thighs - next mth) with dr. pichet after reading the wonderful reviews here by blessedrekyo and others :)

just wondering if anyone is letting go of their compression garments (stage 1 and/or 2)? using the measurements from makemeheal, i'm a size L lower body and M for upp body& arms.

and sineech as well

i'm really excited and apprehensive at the same time...

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Post by jazzbunny » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 9:23 pm

Hi blessedrekyo,

wanted to pm you but because i do not have enough posts, i was not able to do so.. Just curious if you will be going anytime this year for lipo again?? was wondering if we can travel together?


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Post by urban mommy » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 9:51 pm

I'm interested of doing lipo too anyone want to go together? :D

urban mommy
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Post by urban mommy » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 9:54 pm

Have u booked your appointment with dr yet?
pclip wrote:hi girls,

thanks for the valuable info and tips.

i've decided to do a lipo (arms, tummy and thighs - next mth) with dr. pichet after reading the wonderful reviews here by blessedrekyo and others :)

just wondering if anyone is letting go of their compression garments (stage 1 and/or 2)? using the measurements from makemeheal, i'm a size L lower body and M for upp body& arms.

and sineech as well

i'm really excited and apprehensive at the same time...

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Re: newbie

Post by blessedrekyo » Sat, 25 Jun 2011 11:01 pm

jazzbunny wrote:Hi blessedrekyo,

wanted to pm you but because i do not have enough posts, i was not able to do so.. Just curious if you will be going anytime this year for lipo again?? was wondering if we can travel together?

Hi Jazzbunny

Sorry for the late reply, cos no email prompted me there is a msg for me.
I won't be going for my lipo this year cos need to save more money. Hehe... Cos I tot of doing my back, hips, knees & area near my armpits.

When are u going? Any plan yet?

I'll be going to BKK in Aug for holiday. If have time, I might visit Dr. Picket. :) But depending too cos I'm traveling with my mom & sis this time round, and they just want shopping... So if no time, I'll not visit him. :)

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Post by ilobechoc » Wed, 06 Jul 2011 10:18 pm

Hi blessedrekyo/anyone who have just did lipo with Dr. Pichet's clinic

Do you mean 1600USD for each thigh for example, when referring to 1st point or per area? (I'm keen in thighs, arms and tummy) Also could you share how much were incurred for other misc fees for the procedure.

I've underwent lipo for my thighs and arms in SG and was (a) bruised for 1-2weeks thereafter (b) muscles were sore and very hard & stiff to touch (rather difficult to walk and unable to move my arms). Is it the same as you've experience?

Many thanks.
blessedrekyo wrote:
Sleeping queen wrote:Hi blessedreky,

Thanks a million for sharing the reviews n the pics of the Lipoprotein with us.

From the pics can see, your arms, tummy, thighs, chin all lost a lot of inches.

I am interested to get rids of the fats for the same 4 areas same with u:

1) May I know per area cost how much for lipo?
2) Dr Pichet got any link or website to view more info?
3) Is the clinic near to any of the shopping centre? If yes, not sure nearest shopping centre is which 1?

Thanks alot

Dr. Pichet's contact and webpage link can be found on d 1st page of this forum. He charged usd1600 for 1st point, and next subsequent point is usd 500! Compared to Singapore is so much cheaper.
His clinic not near shopping centre but he provides tpt if u wan shopping. :)

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Post by blessedrekyo » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 10:57 am

ilobechoc wrote:Hi blessedrekyo/anyone who have just did lipo with Dr. Pichet's clinic

Do you mean 1600USD for each thigh for example, when referring to 1st point or per area? (I'm keen in thighs, arms and tummy) Also could you share how much were incurred for other misc fees for the procedure.

I've underwent lipo for my thighs and arms in SG and was (a) bruised for 1-2weeks thereafter (b) muscles were sore and very hard & stiff to touch (rather difficult to walk and unable to move my arms). Is it the same as you've experience?

Many thanks.
Hi ilobechoc

USD 1600 for 1st point can be consider as ur tummy or one side of ur thigh (inner & outer), which includes all other misc fees for the procedure. No additional charges was charged to me at that time, even I was required to stay for a night in his clinic after my surgery.
Then subsequently, each point/area is USD 500.
e.g. A pair of arm (left arm USD 500 & right arm USD 500) is USD 1000, a pair of thigh [inner & outer] (left thigh USD 500 & right thigh USD 500) is USD 1000, buttock is USD 500 and so forth....

Or I should say USD 1600 is for all the procedures which include: a senior anesthesiologist, op theatre, all transfers (airport/hotel/airport), medication, pre & post surgery checks, a set of compression garment (no arm CG) & that 1 point/area was included too.

As for the bruises, you may consume SinEech before ur surgery. It helps a lot to de-swell and get rid of the bruises fast.
For me, my post surgery was abt the same as ur experience with Singapore surgeon. But I can walk normally after 1 week and nothing happened to my arms, except those bruises only. Thighs only a bit of bruises. My buttock, tummy and love handles no bruises leh. Hehe...
Did you wear the Compression Garment (CG) whole day?
It is a must to wear cos it helped me a lot in my healing process.

Hard feeling sure have cos I guessed during the surgery, the tumescent liquid helped to numb the treated area and after effect might be hard lor. My guess la.. Hehe :lol:

You can check with Dr. Pichet directly for more infos.
He replies email quite fast one. :D

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Need advice and help

Post by Janetyeo76 » Sat, 10 Sep 2011 4:12 pm

Hi all who have done lipo with Dr pichet...

I am very interested to go for lipo with Dr Pichet this December but I have an issue... My husband is strongly against it as he doesn't trust any doctors not certified in Singapore. I wanted very much to go ahead with it myself but does not want to go without his support... I am in such a dilemma...

How did you all convince your spouse or loved ones that it is safe?

Also, I have quite big and flabby arms so after liposuction, will they become flabbier?

Is it true that you only need three days in BKK. How long is your downtime before you can go to work as per normal, ie, walking normally...

I heard some stories about there will be leakages from incisions, is it true and how bad is it?

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Re: Need advice and help

Post by blessedrekyo » Mon, 12 Sep 2011 1:24 pm

Janetyeo76 wrote:Hi all who have done lipo with Dr pichet...

I am very interested to go for lipo with Dr Pichet this December but I have an issue... My husband is strongly against it as he doesn't trust any doctors not certified in Singapore. I wanted very much to go ahead with it myself but does not want to go without his support... I am in such a dilemma...

How did you all convince your spouse or loved ones that it is safe?

Also, I have quite big and flabby arms so after liposuction, will they become flabbier?

Is it true that you only need three days in BKK. How long is your downtime before you can go to work as per normal, ie, walking normally...

I heard some stories about there will be leakages from incisions, is it true and how bad is it?
Hi Janetyeo76
Dr. Picht is a certified doctor who practises the surgery, e.g Liposuction, everyday. Our singapore doctors don't practise everyday. They consider liposuction a minor surgery, compared to sex change surgery.

Frankly, I feel safer to do in Thailand, compared to Singapore. Cos even their nurses are all trained. Not like those in our Singapore PS clinic.

As for flabby arms, you have to wear the compression garment after surgery and in fact, u can see immediate result on ur arms after lipo-ed.
If not, a month later, u will sure to see the difference. :D

I did it with Dr. Pichet and all incisions were well stitched and no leakage like what some mentioned on their surgery wz Dr. Nara. :)

If you are planning to do only ur arms, it will not affect ur walk, & you can still walk properly. Unless you are doing ur thighs, than i think u give urself a week allowance.

In BKK, yes, 3 days shld be enough, unless you intend to do many areas like me (5 parts). I extended my stay for another 4 days cos I want to make sure everything is ok before I flew back, & also to do some shopping. :P :D

For me, no regrets with Dr. Pichet and I can say he is a honest & nice doctor, who takes care of his patients & staffs just like his own family members. :D

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Post by Janetyeo76 » Mon, 12 Sep 2011 6:03 pm

Hi blessedrekyo

Thanks very much for your reply... I am more or less set on Dr Pichet... I intend to do both thighs, arms and the whole stomach area since doing, might as well do everything...

But I got a problem, I must return to work after 5 days so I am worried about my recovery... I need to wear heels and walk alot at work thus I am quite worried about the pain...

Did you do massage after the surgery? I heard it will help in healing... Is it true that the results is permanent and you wont be fat at your treated areas ever again???

Sorry to have asked so many questions...

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