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UK girlfriend of EP holder running out of options!

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UK girlfriend of EP holder running out of options!

Post by alwayshopeful » Mon, 11 Oct 2010 3:42 pm

Hi everyone, I have been here in Singapore for a few months now looking for work. My boyfriend moved here earlier in the year for work and I joined him after a few months. I knew it would be difficult for me to get an EP here from what the useful articles in this forum said, but tried anyway. I have no degree and have been trying to get a job with my experience only in administration/secretarial work. I will be lucky to get a job for $3000. I DID have a job offer of $2800 but EP application was turned down on appeal even though they wanted an expat specifically for the job.

I am now looking at doing a diploma or study here to improve my chances of getting work but I dont have any money to do this. I am considering also TEFL, however understand that this too is tricky to get a job in without a degree. Can anyone suggest how to go forward? We cannot prove we have lived together before and are not willing to get married for the sake of visa(although we will in the long run). I have signed up with every job agency I can find, applied for so many jobs my eyes hurt and am just feeling like there is no hope here for us, what can we do?

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Post by Mad Scientist » Mon, 11 Oct 2010 4:05 pm

Are you here on your own EP Pass ?

I am afraid you are out of luck . I would suggest you get Dependent Pass under your bf EP if he is on P1 and P2 , this would not be a problem. All you need to do is prove to MOM "common law marriage"
There is a thread on this issue where it was discussed at length. Go to the search under the profile link at the top right hand corner and type in the subject you wish to read.
If you do not want to go thru this , other than getting in approved local institution which will cost you money, you have no other choice but to look for other greener pastures
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Post by alwayshopeful » Mon, 11 Oct 2010 8:59 pm

Thanks - no I was trying to get my own EP but realise this is looking rather impossible with my credentials. :cry:

I had a search through the other threads here and on the MOM website again, all I can see is that EP pass holders (He is a P1) can only apply for a Long Term Visit Pass for their Common Law Spouses- not a DP, this seems to only be for married couples etc. Is there a way we can still do this? Do we use the same form? Sorry for all the questions!

Also what is 'getting in approved local institution' as you mentioned? I don't quite understand... thank you for your help!

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Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 12 Oct 2010 3:02 am

alwayshopeful wrote:Thanks - no I was trying to get my own EP but realise this is looking rather impossible with my credentials. :cry:

I had a search through the other threads here and on the MOM website again, all I can see is that EP pass holders (He is a P1) can only apply for a Long Term Visit Pass for their Common Law Spouses- not a DP, this seems to only be for married couples etc. Is there a way we can still do this? Do we use the same form? Sorry for all the questions!

Also what is 'getting in approved local institution' as you mentioned? I don't quite understand... thank you for your help! bad , I read your post wrongly. Yes you are absolutely right .
Get the LTSVP first and have a foot in the door then look for job. At least you have more time to look for job under lesser pressure and live with your bf here in SG.
Singapore economy growth was 18% this year and set to grow even more next year after the election. IMO staying here will be better for you in the long run
I am not sure how long your AIP EP will last but at least LTSVP route is your fallback plan.

Alternatively get married which will be the last resort to go for DP.

Read this ... highlight=

And this from MOM ... fault.aspx

Approved local institution like the local unis or polytechnic, NUS, NTU , SMU etc that has been approved and recognise by MOM and enhance your chances years later after your complete your studies. You can apply for student pass on this approved institution.

Or set up a private limited company and have the company employ you under EP , shareholder/director. You will need a local director though. A company secretary can be your local director for a fee.
I am not sure what you can set up for business but this is another route to ponder. go to for more info

Or Entrepass route

All the above are based on my POV , Other forumers may give you other alternatives which can consider. Good Luck

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.Yahoo !!!

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Post by alwayshopeful » Tue, 12 Oct 2010 10:34 am

Thanks again, really helpful!
So basically I am left with doing a course here or setting up a business... hmm. I would love to do both but funding is a big problem.

I just found out that my EP was rejected on the grounds that it was applied for by a job agency rather than the actual employer, which has given me a spark of hope. I will continue to apply for jobs and hope for the best and try to make a contingency plan... it can't rain forever!

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Post by x9200 » Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:26 pm

Mad Scientist wrote: bad , I read your post wrongly. Yes you are absolutely right .
Get the LTSVP first and have a foot in the door then look for job. At least you have more time to look for job under lesser pressure and live with your bf here in SG.
I think your not so bad. In some cases they seem to grant DP. I recall reading about this before but this one is reasonably fresh: ... sc-30.html
(last post as per today)

On the other hand alwayshopeful said no prove of co-habitation so even getting LTSVP can be a problem.

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Post by ksl » Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:54 pm

Taking the oath should be sufficient! Also if there are witnesses to the fact, you live together helps too, so all you need is the united supporters club to sign on the dotted line that you are in fact living together:lol:

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