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Getting Admisson into P3 Level in Local School?

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Getting Admisson into P3 Level in Local School?

Post by nztosingapore » Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:36 pm

Hello All
Can someone share with me their personal exeprience in getting admission to Local Public school in recent years P3 level. we are moving in October with our 8 Year old from New Zealand. He is currently in Primary 3 here in NZ. As per Singapore rules he will join Singapore Primary 3 for for 2011. At the moment we are planning to find accomdation somewhere in East Cost just beacause I have office in Changi Business park. I have called 2 to 3 Schools and all have advised that they wont have any availbility for Primary level 3 for 2011 start. Any guidance is much appreacited?

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Post by Mumsie » Wed, 29 Sep 2010 4:51 pm

Hi there,
We have also just arrive from NZ, about 4 months ago. My advice is to get landed here, find a place that you'll be calling home and then start ringing all the primary schools around your area. Our 9 yr old daughter have been accepted by a local primary school after sitting an entrance test in August...she passed it, thankfully. I assume that your children will have a dependant pass, which the school will need to finish off the process. Our daughter will only be able to start school early next year when the new term begins on 4th of Jan 2011. Please be aware that the end of year holidays here starts sometime end of November 2010. You'll have a few red tapes to cross in order to get your children to a local public schooling here, which we have no qualms in course given the choice and the allowance we will opt for the International Schooling, but we are making the best of the situation given. You could also call the MOE, Ministry of Education or give them a visit as soon as you get here with all your questions ready. Apart from that Singapore is a great place to be...we love every minute of it.
All the best and any queries; just drop me a line. I'll be happy to help :)

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P3 Level Admission

Post by nztosingapore » Thu, 30 Sep 2010 3:15 pm

Thank you for your reply
Congratulation too your daughter on clearing the exam.
I am going to take this opportunity ask you few more questions. Hope you don’t mind.
Did your daughter pass the exam conducted by school or by MOE (AEIS)?
Was the school recommended by MOE or was it your preference?
Since she is 9 year old is she going to join P3 or P4 Level?

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Post by Mumsie » Thu, 30 Sep 2010 4:58 pm

I don't mind answering the questions at all.
Well, the test that our 9 yr old daughter took was set by the school itself. She was in Yr 5 in NZ when we left, had her 9th birthday in April, so in Singapore she'll be equivalent to Pri year she'll be in Pri 4.
Although the whole process was quite taxing it is still easier than our 14 yr old that has to sit a test set by MOE to go to a Secondary School/ High School here!!
Initially I rang about 3 Primary schools within our district but the school that she'll be going to was recommended by one of the residents at our condo...they were in the same shoes as us but were from the United States.
Priorities of admissions will always be given to Citizens first, then PR's then others depending on the availability of space at the school for your childs level.
As you are aware, if there are/is availabilty of space for your child at the school of choice, he will have to sit an entrance test, which in our case our daughter was tested on English, Science and Maths. Just be prepared for it as we only got 2 weeks notice before we knew about the test. In most cases the schooling here is more academic than NZ; although some schools now are heading towards to the more holistic approach. There are books available for your child to revise on at most good bookstore. It all sounds quite daunting but once you're on the system, you'll be fine. It is not for the faint heart. I am more than happy to help any way I can but best word of advice is to enjoy the calm before the storm, you'll need the energy. I have research literally hundreds of hours about the schooling before I came back to Singapore for our children but unless you are physically here, it is not the same. I can give you some names of schools around the East area that has quite a few expat children...we were initially heading towards that way but because of the lack of accomodations that suit our likings/ budget we are in the North area now, its all good. Again all the best with the move and I am more than happy to help.
Cheers : )

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Post by Dalia » Mon, 29 Aug 2011 4:59 pm


I was wondering if someone could give me more info about the test itself. We will just miss the MOE's AEIS test and will have to go for QT & PACT tests. My son is 7 years old and should go to P2 next January. We would like to prepare for the test beforehand. Any links are also welcomed.

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