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Are you waiting for the Holy Pope?

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Are you waiting for the Holy Pope?

Post by anneteoh » Sat, 18 Sep 2010 1:46 am

"Are you waiting for the holy pope?
That was what my four year grandson said today. One wonders what he means by 'holy' but it makes a good question.

The Queen's welcome speech lauded the pope's role as a representation of kindliness ( which is next to godliness) and the upholding of peace and love in democratic societies. But there were also protestors (as usual - what'll we do without our Voice of Conscience - as far as they're fighting the right causes ) about child abuse from the priests, right to abortions, gay rights, women's positions within the Catholic structure etc - all of which are very pertinent. The good pope indeed answered to all these questions and the signs were one of a religious leader loved by its followers of men, women and children alike. The blessing, hugging even, flowers, angelic hymns and golden chalice with the holy communion all looked indeed, ' holy.'
It was a reassuring, pleasing sight that that's what religion is about. I can similarly envisage Daoist and Buddhist priests so engaged with their followers. Seen in this way, is religion still the opiate of the masses?
It will be if each religion believes it's the only way, blessing only their followers but not blessing everyone else, believers and non-believers alike.
This is because believing alone does not equate to good person and is not a green card to heaven. Likewise all the rituals - it's all very yin and yang isn't it?

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Post by cooldude » Thu, 28 Oct 2010 3:46 am

Agree with your post.

Get into Hindu/Budhist philosophy - it goes deeper. Otherwise, it is just 'opium of the masses' as you said. Every culture and 'religion' has 'evolved' into a set of dogmas. Empty stuff.

I have no doubt that Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha walked the earth, but was this what they taught? Or is this what has ‘distilled’ down to us? Most people can’t appreciate the higher thoughts on God etc. After all, if my child was sick, and this ‘holy man in this place I go to’ told me that doing this and that would appeases the Gods, I would be willing to do it, right?

Mind you, I am not denouncing these dogmas whole sale. If one can not (and many people can not understand the philosophy), at the very least these dogmas teach one to be a better person.


Post by anneteoh » Thu, 28 Oct 2010 6:11 am

cooldude wrote:Agree with your post.

I posted this to the Discussions forum but it was moved to this section and though I queried about it, there was no response. I certainly didn't think it's in the right place!

Get into Hindu/Budhist philosophy - it goes deeper. Otherwise, it is just 'opium of the masses' as you said. Every culture and 'religion' has 'evolved' into a set of dogmas. Empty stuff.

You're most perceptive there. What's the difference between a belief and a superstition, by which I'm alluding to paganism and monotheism. The ancient cultures had their realms of the gods before religion became popular. Sadly, it's true about dogmas, otherwise, all religions will have embraced our universal oneness.

I have no doubt that Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha walked the earth, but was this what they taught? Or is this what has ‘distilled’ down to us? Most people can’t appreciate the higher thoughts on God etc. After all, if my child was sick, and this ‘holy man in this place I go to’ told me that doing this and that would appeases the Gods, I would be willing to do it, right?

They did teach good things and the right way. Would you just do anything you're asked to save your child, even if it's irrational or stupid? I think people had done that in the old days when they were told to believe the world was flat! Leonardo Da Vinci was a great artist but his scientific thinking nearly made him a heresy.

Mind you, I am not denouncing these dogmas whole sale. If one can not (and many people can not understand the philosophy), at the very least these dogmas teach one to be a better person.
Yes, you've got a neat summary there. A child of four picks up the etymology but cannnot conceptualise the spiritual leader of any religion, least of all the religion itself , except that it's vaguely about good and bad, which he will later learn to be something rather subjective. But to hear beautiful voices singing hymns of love and praise and to watch the humble exchanges of love between the pope and the audience is a wholesome experience of what's holy.

It's a pleasing sight, far more preferable to the drama hype of battle scenes children are exposed to in all the popular films these days. Who can stop children wanting to watch Harry Porter, Star Wars, Transformers , and of course, the archetypal, Tom and Jerry?

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Post by nakatago » Thu, 28 Oct 2010 8:32 am

Just to make a point, some people are moving that "Jedi" be an acceptable response when asked "Religion?"
"A quokka is what would happen if there was an anime about kangaroos."

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Post by dazzlebabe » Thu, 28 Oct 2010 11:53 am

How about Pastafarian?
Just me


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Post by nakatago » Thu, 28 Oct 2010 12:13 pm

dazzlebabe wrote:How about Pastafarian?
but the pastafarians are doing it tongue-in-cheek, to counter some the creationists arguments (i.e. covers up evidence). the jedi guys are serious!
"A quokka is what would happen if there was an anime about kangaroos."


Tracing Chang Metaphysical Buddhism to Zen and...

Post by anneteoh » Sat, 30 Oct 2010 5:53 am

From Zen to Minimalism is more of the idea for me. Jedi is Arthur and the misty legends of Camelot and the Knights of the Holy Grail reinvented.

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Post by SmartDude » Sun, 28 Nov 2010 11:58 am

this one is really funny. hahah Thx for sharing.


Post by anneteoh » Sun, 28 Nov 2010 4:31 pm

SmartDude wrote:this one is really funny. hahah Thx for sharing.
Laughter's always the best medicine and it's infectious. Better than passing on a cold.

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