I have been working in finance for one a a half year. The jobs that I had are not interesting at all. So I'm thinking of switching job. I read the book "Ogilvy on advertising" and feel very interested in being a copywriter. I also love interesting print ads, TV commercials or slogans. However, I don't know where to start, besides reading books. I also don't have any friend working in advertising industry so I have no one to ask.
Like how to enter the industry, without any experience before? I studied Business Management in uni, double major in Finance & Marketing. I did study Marketing before. However, all my internship & working experience has been in finance so far. I think maybe I should take on a professional cert or sthing like that. Do you have advice for me? Like how could I start to be a copywriter? What cert should I take? Or do you know any good advertising forum that I can ask? Any marketing or advertising networking club that I can join to know more about the people in the industry? Do you have any advice for me?
Is anyone working in advertising agency right now? Please share with me your personal story. Like how is your career in advertising start? What is it like to work in an ad agency? Tell me more, if it convenient for you... Thanks!
Rong biển - still desperate to find what I want