Hi New to Singapore relocated from China after spending 9yrs there. Trying to find my bearings but not always easy so would like some helpful pointers.
1. best place to buy nice rugs (not IKEA please)
2. best place to get lighting (again not IKEA)
3. cheaper supermarket other than fair price/Giant
4. nic knick things such ornaments, place mats, table clothes etc
5. wet market loacted near Tampanies
Now a couple of grummbles;
Its so expensive here. Not impressed with Starhub service have been waiting 2 weeks for mobiles and now been told could be 30 days for landline! People delivering stuff 3-6pm and never turn up. Now body moving up the bus and blocking the door not good with two kids and a pushchair. need a hundred or more store cards and dont get my started on GST