JR8 wrote:Or read this...
A fantastic read...
http://www.amazon.com/Lands-Charm-Cruel ... 573&sr=1-1
An excerpt from a user's comment
'Sesser's book was extremely helpful to me while I was living in the Far EAst in the late 90's. His essay on Singapore - discussing "the fear that even the best-educated Singaporeans live under" in their own country, accorded very well with my own observations. This book makes a wonderful corrective to the memoirs of Singapore's leader, Harry Lee Kuan Yew, and a great companion to Christopher Lingle's Singapore's Authoritarin Capitalism, Ian Buruma's essay, "The Nanny State of Asia" (in his book, The Missionary and the Libertine) and Francis Seow's A Prisoner in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore (...).
Yes Sesser did get to interview LKY. And suprisingly (or perhaps not) LKY took criticism that Sesser had written and later in parliment quoted it as justification for his style.
Have you served under them anneteoh. I mean literally goes inside the system and see for yourself how it is done ? Have you or have you NOT?anneteoh wrote: The Chinese respect their superiors esp one as elderly and one who'd done so much with such few words. I'd say not to worry about grooming the next generation either. Watch out for the brilliant Robin - George Yeo, but he's happy.
Anyone who believes there's true democracy and free specch must be kidding. What LKY fought against was allegations without evidence. Talk about bleaching poison pens! LOL
Hi - I remember talking about my physicist friend as the mad scientist. And here's another one. It can't be bad to have many scientists.Mad Scientist wrote:Have you served under them anneteoh. I mean literally goes inside the system and see for yourself how it is done ? Have you or have you NOT?anneteoh wrote: The Chinese respect their superiors esp one as elderly and one who'd done so much with such few words. I'd say not to worry about grooming the next generation either. Watch out for the brilliant Robin - George Yeo, but he's happy.
Anyone who believes there's true democracy and free specch must be kidding. What LKY fought against was allegations without evidence. Talk about bleaching poison pens! LOL
I have been there, done that and came back nearly unscathed .
You do not know what you are talking about. Everything here is superficial. Two wrongs Does NOT make it a right. Name a person who stand up the truth and not dragged into the court and sued for libel.Even though everyone knows it is the TRUTH.
This is not about poison pen, this is about not letting go your control over power. To show others that he is on higher moral ground is just incredulously rubbish.
Look at Suharto, Marcos, Mahathir, and he will be next.You can bet on it.
JB Jeyaretnam won ONE case against them BUT they stamped back and counter sue him on many occasions and make him a bankrupt.
How in the world can you fight for the truth when they have power and the money and the means to stop you from revealing the truth and discredit you.Even Devan Nair , Ong TC died a broken men.
NKF saga is one that really shows how shaky the Gahmen is when SPH accepts the challenge to proof NKF TT Durai was a fraud. Knowing very well NKF honorary member is Goh CT wife.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Great men are almost always bad men
Ditto. There's something about the way his brain works. Laser sharp and focused. I won't to attribute it to being Asian. It is just who he is. He has decided to pick nation building as his cause and steadfastly works towards it for the rest of his life. He is not easily corrupted from his purpose. Singapore is both a labor of love and necessity. To him, Singapore comes first and foremost, probably above his family and kids.x9200 wrote: I am not that convinced if this is really a personal vendetta behind, even if it appears so. Given the average ppl mentality it may be very well a part of the strategy. I see some justifications of the means even up to this point.
In Singapore this is non existent.. I experienced this first hand when I saw a father pushing his daughter in a pram and an old man in front of me who had mobility problems crossing paths. He told the father to becareful not to hit him when he crossed his path. the father just swored at the old man and asked him to be quiet. the old man obviously responded and the father left. I was in shock that this even existed in singapore and I was disgusted. These two ppl are not related to each other and this shows the lack of respect by locals.JayCee wrote:In China, yes.anneteoh wrote:
Most Chinese respect their superiors
In Singapore, you're having a larf.
I really suggest you read carefully re my own opinion of SG and get your facts right. And obviously, check your literacy levels before you get to talk about my mindset. What do you know. I wouldn't have that presumption even when I think I can place you with regards to personal profiling.LOLx9200 wrote:This is more general remark so MS, please do not take it personally.
What you've been persistently doing in this thread is proving something what nobody even challenged. Just opposite, I think I stated this like few times - many things are not done fair and you can not openly challenge the system. At the same time you clearly neglect to acknowledge that you, your mindset, mentality is very different from majority of Singaporeans. You judge the system and somebody feelings by your own specific values. If this is so bad as you telling why almost everybody wants to migrate here? Are Singaporeans free to leave or are forced to suffer under this "dictatorship"? Suharto, Marcos, Mahathir, are their nations enjoying the same wealth and wellbeing as Singaporeans? Am I missing something here?
Yes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely but that's the point - I do not really see this absolute corruption in Singapore. I see limitations to the freedom but I also see a well organized and surprisingly well running socialistic enterprise and for this he has my credit.
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