Thread starter, please excuse this off-topic post but I received a private message from a moderator which I felt I ought to reply before racking up the requisite post number to send private messages. Apologies!
Thanks for taking the time and effort to write me. It's appreciated!
I apologise if my original post was seen as advertising for anyone or anything. I wasn't advertising, neither do I have any financial interest in those sites. They happened to be sites I had frequented before while sourcing for trikes and related parts which I had thought would be useful resources for the thread starter. Any related "interest" would be that I own one such trike myself (a Catrike 700).
As for my banned nick ("mauler"), it had nothing to do with any of the sites or brands of trikes, at least, none that I know of! It's something I've used for years. Not sure if the system appended something without my knowledge. I generally don't use a signature, either.
Coming back more in line with the thread starter's question, I'm in Hong Kong right now and I just bought myself another recumbent, an Optima Baron. It's a terribly sensitive ride and I foresee many accidents before I get the hang of it.
At any rate, I hope the above clarifies my position and motives.
If this reply is inappropriate, I respectfully ask that it be deleted but my account left intact, please!